Lana, Lana,...LANAAAAAA!!!

Wait until the Roomba zones in on a pile of poop and then creates a poop cyclone all over your living room... :|


If you exercise at all, you gotta clean those toes at least once a week.

Forsaking where you went to school to pander to a group of people hoping to win the Caucus. Wait.. This is America.. That just may work on people.

Look at fucking Gandhi here - at some point reasonable people might think you’re more interested in promoting yourself as some messianic warrior for justice than enacting any meaningful change.

very very very very very offside

How can a moment that wasn’t any of ours’ favorite sports moment of the year be a glaring omission from a list of our favorite sports moments of the year?

This is sad. There are a lot of good budgeting lessons to be learned but it doesn’t sound like it happened here.

One of things I'm forever greatful to him is the $2m he donated to the UofM women's and children's hospital where my son was born prematurely. He got great care there and to top it off Woodson won his Super Bowl ring a few weeks later.

Are you not going to mention the AP and several other news organizations named him 2009 defensive player of the year?

This is unacceptable by Carolina. Trash-talk is fine, but once the baseball bats are introduced it becomes a blatant act of WAR.

Y. E. S. !

Trump is like a sentient Onion article that doesn’t realize it was born in satire.

While the students may hate this, I think it’s awesome. It would also cut down on students calling in their own threats to get out of assignments.

‘NOBODY CARES!’ - Guy who responds to every single last Michael Sam article on the internet.

Well, we know it’s not beer.

Son: Daddy, will we ever win the Champions League?