The best pizza I ever had in,SF wad at Tony’s Napolitano, but as you said this is not NY style. This is the very traditional Ialian, super thin, high temperature pizza.
The best pizza I ever had in,SF wad at Tony’s Napolitano, but as you said this is not NY style. This is the very traditional Ialian, super thin, high temperature pizza.
There is plenty of good pizza in California depending on where you live.
Sure was nice of them to fit some pizza toppings on that loaf of bread.
Neither one is really a thing.
But they don’t own Jose Jormp-Jomp, do they?
Wait, Uber driver/passenger confidentiality isn’t a thing?
Well, he is Canadian...need i say more?
They cancelled The Grinder so I am not sure I should care anymore about anything.
Crowded is actually a funny show and he is the best thing about it.
Emily Blunt would be an excellent Bond, IMO.
John Oliver hit the nail on the head last night, the problem is this stupid primary process that is all kinds of screwed up. The Nevada system is one of the most intractable out there, too. Politifact did indeed find nothing wrong at the Nevada Primary, per the rules but also said:
I am shocked that the agent of one of the most classiest managers out there would do anything like this. I fully expected everything to be quiet and respectful, as is most everything that happens with Mourinho. Pure class joining the classiest ball club. Trump would be proud.
I was about to ask, since I don’t really follow boxing, but both those guys are just awful, right?
There ya a sting of words in there that make no damn sense.
Of what?
Our struggle is real.
Alternative headline, “Elite Taekwondo Guy to Compete in Olympics”
Well Rose’s hair really was the star...I mean that was amazing.
Why is Jezebel so afraid to call these tarantulas what they really are...terrorists!
Isn’t the answer always, “The limit does not exist”?