Lana, Lana,...LANAAAAAA!!!

Plus, there is a decent chance those photos are on the walls at Vogue and they see them every day.

So they compared the hairdo, didn’t say it was inspiration? What’s the problem here?

Oh I get that, I wouldn’t say it was a success. I guess it is whether you think it is a binary choice, success or failure. I would agree more towards failure, but I lie more inside the gray middle, I think.

Difficult to say, his failures have often come at the hands of some all-time great teams. However, he was coaching what somr would have thought to be on that list as well.

I love the Purple Rose of Cairo, he isn’t in it.

Bobby, love ya, please never use ‘vom’ again.

I know a good number of folks confused Zoe Saldana with Katy Perry. Makes no sense but there you go.

So if Athletic Madrid play Leicester in next year’s Champions League, which team is going to possess the ball?

So you found one other instance where I said what you claim I said 38 times. Fine.

Maybe it isn’t bullying, I don’t care, but it is ridiculous and insane to come at people over stuff that has nothing to do with you. Beyonce is not your BFF!

You may think that, but it isn’t true. I am not even sure I have brought it up once, but I may have. Certainly not as often as you seem to think.

+5 on Liverpool

Denmark in 1992 might be even better. They weren’t even supposed to be in the tournament until Yugoslavia got all warry.

Of course, if Arsenal hadn’t taken 6 points off Leicester this year Tottenham would have been done weeks ago. But still, you can enjoy your single season of “glory” out of the last 21.

Clattenburg could’ve given Spurs half a dozen red cards, but lets not lose sight of the fact that it was the Spurs players that were thugging it up at the end.

There is a difference between using a specific instance of a piece of art and recreating it for your own commercial purposes.

Um, no, whomever creates the art is the copyright owner of the image, although not of that particular manifestation of it, whether not it is on public display. I’m not sure what you mean by “protection of any kind”.

Well, a lot of dog training (i.e don’t growl or bite) is aimed at teaching dogs not to act out when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable. This is not bad people, this is just training.

I know that dog in the picture up above would rather be anywhere than getting that hug from that little girl and likely would be growling at her if there weren’t consequences. I of course was half joking, but some dogs put up with a lot of stuff they wouldn’t otherwise because they have been “taught” to tolerate it.

Counter-counterpoint: Dogs fear people so they put up with their shit so they don’t get yelled at.