David Mucci

I read this as “Sorry, Jake: Chinatown’s getting a remake.”

It’s $10 a month to see virtually any movie you want. Quit your whining.

So taking 2 seconds to snap a picture of your receipt outweighs saving a shirtton of money? And how is AMC’s $20 a month plan in any way better? You know, the plan where you can only see three movies a month and only see those at AMC? You’d literally be paying twice as much for fewer options.

Any evidence that this is actually being enforced? The tweet you shared explicitly says this is a “tongue-in-cheek ban.”

I’m gonna take a dump. You want me to grab you one?

Was that original episode supposed to last, like, a year?

Why not hope that they skewer them as hard as they skewered anti-immigrants or racist police officers? To act like they only slam liberals and liberal causes is disingenuous.

Does her profile not seem entirely fake? I’m not convinced that’s her real reaction, because it’s a complete 180 from the way she felt like two days before.