
I miss food in Japan. What blew me away the most was their mastery at boiling eggs.

your take is bad.

Has nobody ever seen Leroy as somewhat racist, with the chicken and all?

I’ll be the asshole.

Truly best part? This is his post immediately before this: “I edit copy for a living. Only about 20k words a week, but still.”

The Giants are up right now on the Rockies. If it holds,

He’ll be right up there with Clebold and Harris as one of the greatest shooters in Columbine history.

The boycott not happening won’t be due to fans’ ignorance of this; it’ll be because everyone wants to see the “slowest moving trainwreck in history”. Duh

You’re proving my point.

I have yet to meet a Burning Man attendee that was not insufferable.

Anytime I hear someone with a strong Northern California twang like E 40 or Marshawn Lynch I have to stop and listen. Unlike the mushmouthed motherfuckers from down south and the midwest who seem to delight in being incomprehensible, the NorCal delivery is so over the top, so over pronounced, so deliberate, just

And to think the image most people have of San Franciscans is self-important hipster douchebags. Huh.

This is Cops if you took away their guns