
It's a Who's Who of Awesome, in general, not just the 90's!

Is "dA" Disney Adventures? God, I loved that magazine as a kid. They had some half-decent Disney comics included too, my favorite storyline featured some evil cat villain fighting multiple Disney Afternoon heroes like Darkwing Duck. I think Gargoyles comics may have made into Disney Adventures too, but I'm not 100%

"Know her? I NAMED HER!" alone is enough for me to elevate this otherwise poorly-written, poorly-animated episode. It's delivered with a great mix of anger, hatred, and matter-of-factness.

Immortality is definitely a curse for Macbeth. Seems like all he wants is to kill Demona and end his own life. I'm sure Wolverine can relate.

"But man, what if Broadway just invited himself in like that while Elisa had a special friend staying overnight?~"

It is, if you list your emergency contact as "flying gargoyle creature"

"does this mean no dinner?"

I never realized hyenas were matriarchal. Makes sense, because I just looked up the Lion King hyenas, and it turns out the hyena that Whoopi Goldberg voiced, Shenzi, was the hyena matriarch! Disney animation must've had a thing for hyenas in the mid-90's.

Gargoyles' wings = best keepers ever, though I'm not even sure that would've stopped Germany. Especially if the match was played before dusk.

Whoa, so is Xanatos. Hmm…

Choice of weapon speaks volumes too. Dingo's the only one who uses a non-lethal weapon (bola).

Maybe Xanatos bought the media's silence? Owen wiped all surveillance tapes across the city? I'm stretching here…

Yeah, I noticed the adults in the crowd too. American Gladiators + Scripted = a WWE-type attraction? WWE crowds skew older too.

That rooftop battle played much better than I remembered. The conflict started as a simple action movie run-and-gun, and morphed into a horror movie nightmare. It's easy to overlook due to their Disney-animated, multi-colored tones, but real-life gargoyles stalking you in the dark would be absolutely terrifying.

Maybe we'll find out Warren Buffet is filthy rich due to some Gargoyles-related Phoenix Gate shenanigans.

The Ford Pinto of motorcycles!

Part of me is optimistic that the Marvel renaissance might encourage Disney to recognize the power of pre-existing properties and give Gargoyles another shot. But I'm also worried because Disney's movie slate over the next few years is PACKED with Marvel, Star Wars, Pirates, and Disney/Pixar animation. Even if they

I think X-Men may have been the first comic book property to successfully please the Saturday morning kiddie horde and also cater to serious comic book geeks as well. Those X-Men figures were "toys" but they looked so amazing that they could also double as grown-up "collectibles".

They try to hand-wave it away with Brooklyn saying "C'mon, Lex. We've been coming here every night for 3 weeks!". But Lexington was trying to reverse-engineer a hundred years' worth of automotive technology with his meager medieval knowledge. I would have cut him some slack…

There's already an over-population of crime-fighting superheroes in New York. I wonder how the Gargoyles would have reacted if Xanatos was a Warren Buffett-type and had brought Castle Wyvern to a less crime-ridden place like Omaha, Nebraska.