
Speaking of bullet-firing guns, what the hell kind of pistol did that biker guy have that he could blow up Brooklyn's motorcycle with a single shot? It wasn't even the Hollywood "OMG-the gas tank is leaking-5-4-3-2-1-Get Down!-BOOM!". This was an instant explosion. Lexington's engineering designs won't be winning any

Now that you mention it, the Hard-Wired Gargoyles actually remind me of "Future Tense" Lexington. Weisman and Co could've done a really interesting alternative timeline with cyborg Gargoyles.

Agreed. These two episodes really hammer home the idea that the gargoyles, because of their demonic appearance, will always have a difficult time getting humans to trust them. At the same time, humans as a species can be an unimpressive lot: random robberies, bloodthirsty TV stars, curbside murders, angry biker gangs.

Yeah, "events forced her to become the villain she is today" sounds like a really passive, hands-off explanation for why Demona turned out evil. In fact, that sounds alot like how Demona herself might rationalize her situation: "I didn't do it, it was the humans, it's ALWAYS THE HUMANS!", shifting blame on "events"

Speaking of the body bag, how did Demona manage to find so many incidents of humanity's ugliness, timed perfectly so she could show Brooklyn? The little tour reminded me of A Christmas Carol, with Demona playing the role of Ghost of Human Violence.

I wasn't a huge fan of the post-Superman design revamp of BTAS, but those new figures look pretty sharp. I did like Scarecrow 2.0 , though. That noose around his neck was a nice, creepy touch.

I was in the exact same boat as you. Batman's color scheme is so iconic, why did Kenner make it so hard to find a normal-colored Batman? I was the happiest kid alive when I finally got my hands on Combat Belt Batman. IMO, the absolute best and most accurate BTAS Batman figure ever made.

Dingo seems like alot of fun, I would love to just hang out and snack on babies with Dingo. I really liked how he moved on from a life of crime to eventually run the FCC, however much he would like to deny it.

"Narf! Zort! Egads, Brain!"

Yeah, I originally also saw them as American Gladiator wannabes— 'roided athletes with one-dimensional nicknames/traits, crushing puny competition on a weekly TV show. Can't believe it took me so long to see the Power Rangers/Ninja Turtles connections. Xanatos = Zordon/Master Splinter?

Brooklyn wanted to be different. He was a Brooklyn hipster before Brooklyn hipsters were even a thing.

Yes! I can't believe I forgot about Thailog. Such a cheap color-swap, but oh-so-badass.

Goliath's sense of trust and honor is what makes him such a compelling protagonist. In the hands of less capable writers and voice actors, he could totally come off as a naive square, but Keith David's performance really sells you on Goliath's noble nature.

As a kid, I always hated it when toy makers spit out all sorts of non-sense color-swapped characters that didn't even exist on the TV show/movie. I wanted to play with characters I had actually seen before, not monstrosities like Hard-Wired Broadway Why does he have metallic cyborg wings??

A question that can be asked of many villains: How does she afford all her laser cannons?

Your HeadCanon and official Gargoyle's canon too!

Little-Known Gargoyles Fact: Xanatos' armor only turned bright red when it saw what Demona was doing to/with the other Steel Clan bots.

Oh, this is fantastic. Thanks! The SD Comic Con panel featured Greg Weisman, some of the producers, and the casting director. I hope video of that panel pops up sometime soon.

Yeah, Stewart was out of their price range at the time. Greg Weisman also said that since they already had fellow TNG-ers Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis as regulars, he thought about asking them to appeal directly to Stewart. But Weisman ultimately felt that would be unfair to Stewart's management or something to

Oh, Hudson knows what's up. He was the mack daddy of Castle Wyvern in his day. He can see what's going on between Goliath and Elisa. Game recognizing game. *bow chicka bow wowwwww*