
The best part is the *boom… boom…* punctuating the music as the gargoyles are climbing castle walls

"Of course, it's not like I didn't have an imagination before, but this was my gateway drug to learning about the mythologies and folklore of various cultures, and broadening my horizons as to the various character archetypes, therein."

Here here!

City of Stone

Disney had the entire series for free on YouTube in January, but for some reason pulled them a few months later. Pretty much gotta buy the DVDs now, but they're only going for $10-12 on Amazon,

All hail Weisman!

They were the only couple brave enough to wander the streets of pre-Giuliani New York.

You do realize, by casting Sean Bean, you just doomed Hudson to a noble death by the end of the movie?

"If there is any property out there that deserves to be picked-up, dusted-off, and made into a live-action film (with the same voices!), it's Gargoyles."

The cast of actors they were able to pull together for this show is just a murderer's row. SO good.

Insanely jealous…

"Jungo lungo!" But in terms of flying creatures, Gargoyles >>>> Monkey Birds.

Amen! Does Disney owning Marvel now mean less hope for a Gargoyles reboot since they have so many other properties to tend to? Or will it give Disney more of an appetite for dark adventures stories?

All those rumors, all that hope… It was pure torture just wishing for more Gargoyles. I used to check Greg Weisman's Station 8 site every couple of months only to be disappointed. :(

Plus, "Deadly Force" is just such an unbelievable name for an episode of children's television. Seems more suited to an 80's Steven Seagal movie or something…

I want more @Frakes stories!

Was anybody here able to make it to ComicCon this past weekend? Apparently, there was a "Gargoyles: 20th Anniversary" panel. Besides a couple of Tweets, I haven't been able to find any write-ups anywhere online. I'd love to hear any juicy new tidbits from Greg Weisman and company….

And it's all a set-up for Whedon to write in Xanatos as the Big Bad Villain of Avengers 3: The Xanatos Gambit. Ultimate Goatee-Off between Xanatos and Tony Stark.

Michael Dorn has had practice playing multiple personalities on the same show before: Red-uniform TNG Worf, Gold-uniform TNG Worf, and DS9 Worf.

More like Paul "I've got a Ceti Eel in my brain! I can't take it anymore! AIEEEEEEEEE!" Winfield.