
FRAKES! Speaking of whom, where is @Frakes?? I was hoping to hear more behind-the-scenes debauchery during voice-recording sessions with Keith David.

I'm doing my part, long-time lurker, first-time commenter just for Gargoyles! WE LIVE AGAIN!

Demona probably should've seen it as a slap in the face. "Hey Xanatos, I'M your Gargoyle ALLY! Why not model your bad-ass robots after ME, you ungrateful dick!"

Is there any proof that Xanatos himself went back in time to establish TV Tropes as a love letter to himself?

This is a great observation. It's as if Xanatos thinks he owns the entire chess board, and he just likes to have as many pieces out there, black or white, as long as he thinks he has a chance to manipulate them to his liking later on. He just enjoys playing the game, and more pieces means more chances.

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