
Also, in the background at 3:44, "Hello Spielberg, let's do it together!"

Can we get more Gargoyles, please? I thought the readership and comments were keeping up at a nice pace! =(

Yeah, what's going on? Is Gargoyles coverage coming back? Did it get frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years? Are we gonna have to raise the AV Club above the clouds or something?

I want to see the Gargoyles do the chicken dance.

"You'll rue the day you quit covering Gargoyles, Sava!"

Speaking of Frakes, where is @Frakes?? Haven't seen him since the first episode. We need more tales of his drunken misadventures!

Gargoyles are like Pringles, once you POP, you caaaaaaan't STOP!

I never knew Michael Dorn was up for the role of Goliath! Dorn as Goliath, Sirtis as Demona, and Frakes as Xanatos… Gargoyles could've carried over some of the Worf-Troi-Riker awkward love-triangle sexual tension from S7 of Star Trek: The Next Generation!

I think it was mentioned in a previous episode that Laura San Giacomo went un-credited for Fox because her agent worried that voice-over work would cheapen her resume at a time when she was in demand for live-action roles.

The Xanatos Gambit
The Riker Chair Maneuver

"Coldstone, upon learning he has an arm-mounted laser: "I'm a monster!" "

Haha, Fox. There are few women who can make that dialogue sound (somewhat) romantic.

"Not to mention how he plaintively looks out of windows, just so that when someone asks him what's wrong he can give a little sigh or tell Elisa she could never understand."

"So here’s the question: Is Demona an abomination or is she the evolution of the Gargoyles? "

Star Trek Summer Day Camp! Maybe THAT'S what Paramount should've done instead of letting JJ Abrams reboot the series. Kirk riding horses, Picard carving flutes, Sisko organizing baseball games, Worf protesting that he is NOT a merry man, and Riker being a heart-breaking summer scoundrel.

And it'll be a bare-bones review, with no extra features, and we'll have to sign up for some exclusive Disney-only section of the site to get early access? =(


Xanatos rocks a mean triple-salchow. It's pretty much why Fox married him.

The only advantage newts have over Gargoyles is they can regenerate limbs. Gargoyles can only stone-heal minor wounds and illnesses. In all other regards, Gargoyles >> Newts.

“A Gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than Sava covering it on AV Club.”