
I didn't even consider the possibility that you guys wouldn't cover Season Two. It's the meatiest, juiciest, yummiest part of Gargoyles! Thank you so much for the great coverage so far, Mr. Sava. More please!

Yeah, only until animated characters form a union and demand residuals for non-voiced appearances!

Sirtis seems like she still does a bit of voice work. As for Frakes… maybe @Frakes' (apocryphal but hilarious) tales of debauchery ruined the real-life Frakes' reputation and any possibility of working on children's shows!

Yes, the constantly-changing colors/textures of day-time gargoyles can be annoying. Maybe we can just chalk it up to biological changes since someone up-thread mentioned that gargoyles' daily stone-skin shedding is a form of waste secretion.

X-Files premiered in September of 1993, Gargoyles in October of 1994. It's tough to say with the longer lead-time needed to produce an animated series, but yeah, the similarities are definitely there!

That's what we need in the reboot, a way to get Gargoyles away from sunlight. "Gargoyles… IN SPACE!"

"What are you looking at, BUTTHEAD?"

Yeah, it's like Malcolm regarded the Gargoyles as some people view "the help". They're useful, he can buddy-buddy with them when necessary, and he'll let them do their job. But they're still to be feared, condescended to, and put in their place.

Oh god, gargoyles are worse than pandas at sustainable reproduction. And the fact that their primary purpose in life seems to be battle/defense, and then they are helplessly vulnerable 12 hours a day, it's no wonder they're an endangered species.

The only definitive number we have are the 33 eggs in the rookery. So that's 66 or so parents.

Keith David makes everything better. So… yes, you might be weird.

No wonder gargoyles roar and look so pissed when they emerge from their day-sleep: they're covered in crap! I'd scream in anger if I woke up every morning covered in my own filth. I wonder what gargoyles smell like during the day-time.

That's a really interesting thought. **SPOILERS** Death, or at least the fear of death, often drives people to grow and change. Xanatos, for example, eventually shifts (somewhat) from his original quest for personal immortality to a new goal of protecting and building a legacy for his family. When you no longer fear

"Also, Keith David's booming "We Live Again!" from the intro will linger in the mind forever."

"Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly! Think!"

This is crazy. I love it.

Kenner built Xanatos the perfect vehicle to scream "MIDLIFE CRISIS!" in the Xanatos XI-44 Roadster Just look at the size of that thing! In bright red, no less, and with giant missiles! Pew pew!

Hudson's point still stands up because Demona has existed without aging, lived without learning.

Street-level civilians are probably just grateful for little scraps and pebbles rather than wet bird-bombings.

Maybe her constant use of "futile" was a way to entice Patrick Stewart to join the cast. "See, we get to use 'futile' all the time!" Even though Weisman wanted him on the show, supposedly Stewart's agent was asking for too high a fee at the time.