David Klann

It's probably the wrong political climate for me to joke about what I'd do to Emmy voters if he doesn't win this year.

The idea that Chuck may have miraculously survived the fire never even occurred to me until I read some of the comments here.

I guess you're right… things have only gotten worse in the last 20 years… 40… 80… hell, slavery had nothing on the the lack of prominent female characters in Spielberg films.

You must spend a lot of time posting on the internet.

Thought I was pretty clear.

Very much so… when I first visited here six or seven years ago, that's all it was.



You're right… action films should reflect real life.

It shows how far we've come in society when something this silly can be an issue.

So, you're saying that 'nobody saw' his two movies with prominent female roles?

yeah, I would say Giliead is remotely possible in America's future.

Clearly, you're a deep thinker.

Which point of mine bothered you so?

It is indeed… but probably not in the way you mean to suggest.

I didn't get the reference at first… and I'm still doubtful that it's a reference to Polonium 210, because Polonium does not affect a victim in the same way as Sy was struck down (slower onset, quicker (and more severe) deterioration).

This is going to be very unpopular, but I don't care. I found Season 2 of True Detective vastly superior to the first. You can have the unending mcconaugh-physics and most laughably silly serial killer in the history of film… I'll take the taught modern California noir any day.

Let's make plans to never have a chat at the bar.

'Masterpiece' is how I'd put it as well.

Would it really really have been tricky to create a universe that 'feels that empty'? I think they may have just hired fewer extras.