
He doesn`t say it that often, I counted 5 motherfuckers in at least 50 quotes.

Indeed my bad, i meant a math class problem.

Sorry for that, indeed, American Public Schools are years behind 3rd world high schools. So if that is enough info for you, you should now think about private schools elsewhere. What you don`t get is that in the US most people go to public school, and most of the jobs filled in any industry are worked by that same

I come from Argentina, and it is indeed true, this was an elementary maths problem, around 4th/5th grade.

Hope you are trolling, for your own sake. Though I totally agree with you.

What they have created for this is simple, it is a longer than usual USB stick, with a cable at the other end that plugs into your Guitar/Bass. So no out of this world annoying material is needed, and it works perfectly.

The person that did the video answered me, it is Corneria from Brawl.

What is amazing in this case is not the fact that it takes one second, but the fact that it distinguishes between a variation of colors.

Does anyone know by chance know what is the name of the song played in the video?

I see your point, but this is surely off topic, most of the stuff that has come out as of late has been trying to appeal to everything and everyone, and god the games are more and more bland.

I was 7 and I loved this game to bits.

This is a gem.

Howdy, I have worked as a game tester for the past 8 years, currently 24, and let me assure you that most of the time the material released as DLC was being tested as part of the whole game, and by the end of the FQA projects 90% of the time the Producer, not the devs, decides that X amount of features will be

It must be my Jewish blood, but I never feel bad on a bargain.

That is why adding extra information is useful, that way something that could come out really badly, is easily fixed. (/Sarcasm, Serious question btw, etc.)

You sir made my day.

What he linked was the amount of copies sold, not the amount of money made.

The article states a correction btw.

When I read humanity, I always use the Mortal Kombat Fatality voice - HUMANITY!!.

Also, water may look cool, but Crytek still has the two same issues, lighting and for fucks sake nothing is that perfect, they forget that adding imperfections to objects is what makes them realistic, not the other way around.

Digital competition hasn`t been stopped, that is just bullshit.