
Never realized his name could be read as EDDY FAT in spanish haha

and also Metal Ear Solid.

Baldur's ate.

This comments are unBEElievable

I hope you ever meet a Panda in real life, you will piss your pants so hard, you will poke holes in it when it comes after you, pandas ain't childish they are some agresive mofos, more than what ppl would love to think.

Someone else replied to you with this, but when you argue that you can do that by using the AH, the game loses it'S fun, I've played both diablo 2 and 1 and I can tell you that my fun was playing 40 hours of those games and finding my own stuff and having fun with that challenge, right now this game has a major

Actually, The lord of the rings is only boring or just too long 'till you get to Tom Bombadil, then the book starts at an incredible pace that is intriguing and amazing.

I'll bring my point to your comment before this douche started insulting you for free, Diablo 3 can always be compared to Diablo 2, by the fact that it takes it's marketing component from it's predecessors, if it's creator wouldn't want the game to be compared to Diablo 2, they should have named it something else,

I work in QC, and I can assure you, that I still ask myslef why they hire us, cause most of the issues we adress to the companies about their games aren't fixed, they just ignore them and then release the game.

wow that answer made my day.

So that explain why Diablo 3 is to Diablo 2 what Duke Nukem Forever is to Duke Nukem 3d.

My biggest problem with the game, ain't the game, it's how long it took to develop, how much money was put onto the game, and we end up geting a game that doesn't do justice to both.

You sir win the Internet.

I believe that he means a JRPG that brings something so new or interesting that redefines or at least pushes forward how the games are made.

I wish I could +1 you, but the comment also makes me sad for the people that were lost.

You just made my day

What he doesn't get is that one of Bioware'S main problem is their excellence in overpromissing.

Am I the only one that stopped paying attention to the other consoles and just kept looking in awe to the mamoth size of the Wii U controller?

The only thing I can complain about is for MH going for the 3ds, since I like my 2 analogs hehe.

That robin looks awesome, so close to the real deal, the rest just look meh, still very well done.