David Howe

Never miss an opportunity to make a false comparison. PS: she lost the election. Start acting like a winner.

Your Dad is a fool. Move on.

I’d love to hear about your unabashed love of your normal feelings.

That was a joke. Can confirm cuz I made it. I’d say it’s the New York elitist snobs who don’t like jokes about what dicks they are.

Well, we’re the experts.

Am I the only one who doesn’t understand any of this? Those lawyers and their fancy words.

I love you guys, but when Middle America (where I am) says you’re a bunch of self-involved elitist narcissists, they’re right. We go through this in Minnesota about 6 times a year and there are never any blog posts about it because it’s not really that interesting. But famous people do have better haircuts. I’ll give

They are both frightening and alluring. Kind of like adulthood as seen through the eyes of a child.

That’s where your anger belongs.

At this point, we should just assume everything Donald Trump says is a lie. Therefore ignore him since he’s not a reliable source. Meanwhile, what’s going on while Trump and Bannon are dazzling the laziest journalists on the web with this crap? No offense, Mr. Burke, I know you need to produce content, but let’s move

I beg your pardon, but people with chronic or serious illness are ALREADY paying a premium. That is your risk pool; sick people already pay more and THEY ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL SO SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR STUPID PROBLEMS.

Get a life.

I think both “smart” and “superior” applies, yes.

I don’t think any of the women were assumed to be chaste. They just didn’t show it or talk about it.

To be fair, she was typical of moms of the day (I’m old. I had a mom like this.)....they were “stay at home” when the kid was little, but when the kid got independent, she went back to work. Totally normal. Very few moms, frankly, could stand to be in that house all day with teenagers. Work can be an island of sanity.

Remember that he’s only looking in states where he lost.

You’ve mistaken them for people with a conscience.

That’s the goal. All of the resulting misery and horror is by design. It’s not an accident. This is consistent with Puritanism-based hated of the Other: punishment for transgression. See also: abortion, birth control and LGBT rights.

They also agreed to share anything “suspicious” with the NSA.

Guess. And then type those sites into your browser. Wait.