David Howe

Everyone! Let’s not lose our senses of humor. Are we no longer able to tell when something is funny? Like what-Michael-Jackson-did-to-his-face-to-look-white-and-weird funny? Jackson’s face has been a joke ever since he reached for the Porcelana. Let’s lighten up (pun!) and let ourselves laugh at the sadness and

He’s the new Nicholas Cage, doomed to take all jobs offered so that he can pay for all that good stuff that he made.

Children are much easier to cope with when you have full time nannies, when you are frequently away on business and when they live with their mother.

“racist” is the only word on that list that white people ever hear. Those other allegedly derogatory words are so archaic that you’ll hear crickets chirping when you say them.

Speaking as a white boy, you can’t even hurt my feelings. (Apologies to Louis C.K.). Calling me an accurate, non-derogatory word will always be OK. Not really a true white people problem.

I can’t prove any of this, but I believe that celebrities generate this kind of publicity for their careers and for no other reason. If they wanted a nice quiet divorce, they would have gotten one. But, no. Brad had a movie coming out....just before this story broke. Just like when Russell Crowe gets into a barfight

There is one of you in every comment section.

I dunno. However, it clearly warrants a decades-long plan for revenge.

Strangely, the movie itself is about white straight male privilege as well. [spoiler alert]

...still about you...

Been ill since Tuesday night after too much wine and one whole pack of cigarettes. Quit smoking and using on Wednesday. Have been pooping enthusiatically since then. I think I turned a corner.

Oh, I think they’re getting exactly what they wanted. Suffering inflicted upon others, not upon themselves. Evil is not a bug. It’s a feature.

Your "2 doctors" are wrong. And you provide no reasons.

It's her. Manipulative people are very masterful at keeping you in their orbit for their purposes. It's second nature and they don't even know they do it. Whether or not you're a "mess" is irrelevant. You come first. No need to cut her off, but leave her to her own devices next time she has a crisis. It she gets

One word: refuse.