
There are people who still "ASL?" on dating apps, even when all three are included in profiles.

I think the first time I was down there, I'd already been to Gerudo City. So I probably wasn't that excited by the Diamond Circlet, because I'd already seen a shop where it could be bought. I may well have already had the Guardian Armour too.

Yes - Christ, every single relationship in that film is awful for one reason or another.

Oh as well as Breath of the Wild I also downloaded Snake Pass last weekend because it was on offer. That's a weird one. I don't find the controls natural at all. It's novel, but I doubt I'll play it very often unless it suddenly clicks.

I'd been down there once, and thought - wow this place is scary and there's nothing here: I bet they're going to put bonus content into this area!

I edited my mammoth post about 4 times, and spambot hasn't been triggered.

My feelings on the Breath of the Wild extra content - mostly good:

I don't think there's any "arguably" about it: it's a slang version of the Spanish word for black, and "black" has been fighting with "African-American" for a while to be the most politically correct terminology to use.

Green Lantern was on British TV a couple of weeks back so I watched it. Admittedly I was looking to turn my brain off, and I have a slightly soft spot for superheroes, but I didn't think it was the worst thing I'd ever seen. Probably helps that Ryan Reynolds has endeared himself to me since he made it…

Not really. Not unless you're a dirty old man with an upper/middle-class background. There are a lot of "English" words that aren't really in use apart from in American parodies of Brits.

I would probably have submitted the Radiohead "Daily Mail" sequence. There was so much amazing music use in the series. I think Legion really has to be a strong contender for this award.

I don't see why they absolutely need a Wolverine in their X-Men series. Sony has focused pretty much all of the X-Men movies around Logan - focus on somebody else for a while. I get it - he's quite a good leading man - grumpy and sarcastic and "an outsider" from the main group. But there are plenty of other options.

I reckon it's a different thing to be awkward about a person sharing that stuff with you when you have no clue who they are. They've connected now - it's more acceptable.

I misread that as "crafted in a closed room by 13 year old white guys".
Which would explain some things.

Again fair - I'm (clearly) no political student. All I am is a resident of the UK, who understands the basic mechanics. I was trying to shed a little light on why Lord Buckethead is a thing during an election, and why celebs would struggle to run for Prime Minister of the UK. If you want an accurate understanding of

Relatedly, there were quite a lot of stories of Conservatives signing up for Labour party membership (only £3) so that they could vote for Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in the hope of destroying Labour's chances at the next election. Which also went well…

Nah - pretty certain the little pile of "Elmo votes" was counted correctly… Margin of error is proportional!

Yeah, quite a lot of that was down to poor wording:
Councils definitely a bad choice of word. The electorate in local council areas pick a representative. As such that bit of the system is slightly open to fringe candidates winning a seat, but probably not for an established party, as they're unlikely to be given the

Is 30 Days of Night the one where a girl rapes him and it's treated as if it's cool and sexy?

Yeah - if you're willing to dedicate yourself to public service for a decade or more, then you could lead the country. But fair play to you, by that point you've turned yourself into a politician.