
Beric: Killing the Night King is the key to our final victory!
TheAVClub: Is killing the Night King the key to Game Of Thrones’ final victory?

It'd be a surprise if she did it as Sean Bean - funny though.

Didn't Wednesday already dispatch the volcano God.

Yeah - nobody is stopping you ordering for your kid from the main menu, and most restaurants will do them a smaller portion, and some will even charge you less for it.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a different setup, there's a fairly marked difference in the general tone of American and British reality TV. It wouldn't surprise me either way, but it seems fairly likely that Lord Sugar makes the decisions in the UK show - albeit maybe with occasional "strong advice" from the

It's sort of stated in one of the quotes, but not really emphasised in this article, what one of the biggest problems is:

I think Netflix's original programming is generally pretty decent. There are issues with Orange is the New Black, and House of Cards is trashier than it thinks it is. However, there's also Stranger Things, Sense8, new Black Mirror, the Marvel series (to varying degrees), new Arrested Development (err, maybe forget

To be fair - Disney sequels are not usually prestige projects. Rightly or wrongly, Rowan Atkinson probably feels he's better than direct-to-DVD sequels.

At some point, it doesn't matter if grassroots support for Trump holds steady. There is a point where no matter how much supporters stick their fingers in their ears, the GOP can't continue to play along because this has the potential to destroy vast swathes of them.

Well she doesn't get out of it - every interview with her she basically just says:
"oh yeah - we were lying before"
but because she phrases it as:
"we have alternative facts to those" or "the facts have changed" or "the disclosure forms have been amended"
journalists just let it go, and it's infuriating. When she says

I'm not sure. I think the incompetence is more distracting. A consistent argument would very quickly wear thin. The bizarre backtracking and changing of stories and complete contradicting of previous statements makes it extremely hard to actually pin them to any position, and gives every die hard Trump fan some

Well, to view it kindly - they probably assumed they'd get a sequel, and that they'd be able to use their sequel to tell the story of how the ending came about.

I meant in Trial of the Sword.
Talae aren't a problem for me in the regular game, but I'm struggling with the lack of defensive clothing, limited restorative food & very basic weapons.

I'd second that it's worth pursuing the story of BotW to start with. I'd go further than Impa - follow the plot until you've achieved the objectives in Hateno Village. That whole stretch still involves a hell of a lot of exploring uncharted territory by default, but there are a couple of "ongoing missions" that are

I was on 112 for ages - last night I managed to up that to 113 by lighting 4 torches guarded by a Molduga but I suspect I'm not far from resorting to the internet. I think all of the rest must be shrines that don't trigger the proximity sensor - Hero's Path suggests I've combed the whole map pretty thoroughly now.

Urgh - there's LYNELS?! I still haven't made it past the (first?) Talus.

I read this as a reply to Captain Positive and was convinced that you were describing Kat Dennings' boobs as amazingly consistent.

I ended up using a lot of bombs in the first few rooms. Mainly to take out trees for the branches, to make sure I always had something in my inventory to hit Bokoblins with.

I thought the last fight sequence was a little hard to follow. It was extremely fast and flashy, with a lot of CGI atmospheric/environmental stuff going on. Sometimes hard to keep track of who was doing what. I can see where he was coming from. But ultimately, a fight scene being a bit choppy doesn't affect the tone

I saw this last night and really enjoyed it. Which wasn't a surprise. What did surprise me though was how well the Marvel Universe tie ins worked.