
I love Rebecca's Reprise, but the change from 3rd to 1st person between Stupid Bitch and The Hero Of My Own Story does annoy me every time I listen to it.

I'd feel sadder about Beedle except he doesn't really carry all that much of use. Great thanks Beedle, I'll take those 30 arrows you've got. Really helpful…

Yeah - I was a little sad to realise I was looking for guardians at one point. Being nervous around all the "ruined shells" was really good for atmosphere!

It always seems to be raining when I need to climb - but in some areas I think that's intentional. There are places where it seems to be raining more or less constantly, and there are some cool things up the mountains around there…

Also he was in Under the Dome. Never forget Under the Dome.

I don't necessarily disagree that liberal progressiveness is part of what has caused the backlash that has resulted in Trump (and also Brexit to a degree). But that's definitely not a reason to stop being progressive.

I always find it amusing when you get to the climax of some quest, and you open a reward chest to discover a new exciting weapon…
…and then you can't take it because you're carrying too many sticks. You have to clumsily throw a bokoblin arm into the gathered crowd and try again.

I wouldn't be totally surprised if the next game was in basically the same world with a different skin. "Breath of the Wild 2" but (probably) with a different name. The scope of the landscape is so vast, that I wouldn't begrudge them reusing it in a different era.

Where do they go from here?

I wish more casting directors would do this. It's all well and good trying to write a progressive role for a specific gender/sexuality but I think we'd end up with a lot more interesting characters if some conceptually "straight white men" were just directly swapped out.

Our countries do seem to be racing to the bottom at the moment. It's hard to argue that we have our shit together any more than you lot do…

Appreciated, will try to remember that. I found the videos on a UK news website easily enough though. I never know why companies even bother to region lock YouTube videos - they always end up on the internet anyway - often from the same official source.

The uploader has not made this video available in your country: because apparently we can't have nice things…

I think there's an actual issue with this one - the full show is meant to be in the article as the second video - this article just links to a second clip of Logan reviewing.

You're right actually - I hadn't noticed before but they are both strangely angled away - the main camera would actually be better on the other side of the desk at times.

Malcolm in the Middle had Reese being a natural in the kitchen and Dewey being a savant musician as well. Although those were overarching traits, they both picked up their "near-magical" skills in a single episode.

Every article with the tag Donald Trump should also carry the tags Jesus Christ and Jesus Fucking Christ. indefinitely.

Was that voice really a necessary character trait? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't watch a Sandler movie these days unless I'd heard spectacular reviews about it, but I was violently opposed to this trailer as soon as Sandler opened his mouth.

Why would anyone have to read it? Pretty clear after "Call me Ishmael…" what you've done. Even a Trump employee isn't gonna read the majority of Moby Dick assuming there's genuine insight into the presidency hidden in there.

If you're gonna contribute, the yes/no options are probably the better ones to use where there is an obvious answer he's leading you towards. The free text boxes won't skew any results, and if you use ANY of them to just swear at him, your results will likely just be discounted as "trolling". Some questions do NEED