
I guess this explains why he doesn't trust polls though: he clearly thinks that when you're polling it's a legitimate technique to target a specific audience.

I think there are teams around him in both situations and the type of people he has around him when he's making television are probably very different to the teams he has around him when he's making Hollywood movies. Rowan Atkinson wasn't the sole creative force behind his TV successes and he definitely isn't the sole

Is there definitely a next season? I've lost track of Marvel TV news, but I thought AoS was on pretty thin ice?

Guardians didn't really have the same origin issue - the team were all pretty powerful at minute one. There wasn't a transformation to cover. Nobody had to learn about responsibility. This is an advantage that Tom Holland is going to have over both Garfield and McGuire - he gets to skip all that. I'm assuming that

I don't know whether there's been more of a backlash in the UK, or whether that brand just never made it over here, but I don't think it's a thing here. I've looked.

MSG isn't great - I mean, it's basically salt. But yeah it's not the bogeyman it's treated as. And it makes all food more awesome.

I thought that was going to be one of those difficult to place references that annoys me all day, but I got it after a few seconds.

Journalists really need live fact checkers, because it's one thing to be prepared to counter "exaggerations" and "skew" but if spokespeople are going to just make up random facts, nobody is going to be able to counter that in real-time. And with this administration, by the time it's passed we're onto the next scandal.

I think it's also partly a matter of perspective:
I'm a white man so I see a lot of black characters and sort of think to myself - okay this is a good thing. I think I have to be looking for the flaws.
But I'm also a gay man, and the average gay character in film and TV bears no resemblance to my experience at all. I

He's going to spend the next years whinging that the mainstream media CLAIM that he's not as loved as Obama, which is just fake news. Bigly.

AoS was complete garbage for most of the first season. By the end of season 1 it was rocking along quite nicely, and shaking up the status quo every few episodes. I wouldn't say season 4 is better, or worse, than seasons 2 and 3. It's not prestige television, but it's been watchable fun for a good percentage of its

Okay - I read Film Critic Hulk's review of Luke Cage (god that was a slog - he seems bright, but the Hulk framing device is hard work!)
I'd say, yeah he's right on pretty much every point. Not arguing with his analysis of what the show should have been, and what it could have said. I didn't really pick up on a lot of

I don't disagree that Wyllis is a weak villain, and the show was at its best in the first half, but the slight decline in quality up to the end wasn't enough to stop me liking it a lot.

Seriously? You've got some upvotes so there are clearly people who agree, but it may be my favourite of all so far. What didn't you like?

Was that not obvious? :)

See previous replies - I don't have an issue with a first look at a show, but would rather critics didn't put a grade on a full season of a show based on watching the pilot episode alone. That's what the episodic reviews are for.

I'm okay with the theory of a "first look" to establish potential, but then don't call it a season review and GIVE THE SHOW A GRADE, if you're watching a single episode. This hasn't been happening that long on AVClub. It's relatively recent.

AVClub never used to - it would give a non-spoilery review of the pilot, but it wouldn't claim it was a series review. Whereas now, the majority of the shows are given what is called a "series review" sometimes on the basis of episode 1. It's not been like this for very long.

People seriously need to call this out every single time because it's beyond stupid.
It's pretty rare for an AVClub season review to have the "whole season watched for review" tag which would justify it. Sometimes it's even "pilot watched for review".

I love Agents of SHIELD, but "truly great" is definitely overselling it. I think Jessica Jones and Luke Cage could make claims to greatness.