
Take it with a pinch of salt, because it sounds awfully tongue in cheek, but from an interview:

He could at least have put in an Agents of SHIELD cameo during the Ghost Rider arc as the previous incarnation.

"I can see Josh being not too serious about his Catholicism" is a weird thing to read and agree with given the resolution of his plot this season.

Star Trek: Enterprise?

That was the Arnold Rimmer Experience. Rimmerworld was a whole other thing…

Red Dwarf does kind of get away with that sort of dating. The first six seasons were essentially one a year, but since then the gaps have been fairly arbitrary. Currently it seems to be about one season every 3-4 years.

That probably still isn't enough time to get yourself out of America when the shit hits the fan… Unless you live close to a border maybe.

But then how will people know how long his penis is?

I'm British so I'm assuming I don't get the same targeted commercials (or maybe my ad blocker is better) but how could a commercial for this show fail to inform you that it stars Alan Tudyk as Bruce Wayne's goofy cousin? That seems like the core concept.

But are Marvel not adapting Damage Control? There were definitely articles about an ABC sitcom. I'm sure that was supposed to premiere last year. What happened to that? Did it go the way of Most Wanted? I can track down the discussion of when it was supposed to happen, but nothing about it being postponed or cancelled.

Yeah - I've never really got that argument. I've tried Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, even Smallville back in the day. It's mostly bright monster-of-the-week stuff mixed with teen drama/angst. I guess it's probably fun if you get into it, but it's not exactly what I'd call objectively "worth watching".

Plus also - not so much an alternate ending. It's not like everyone dies or anything. Really it's basically the same ending. If it was a script/storyboard for a plot where the outcome was drastically different then sure, I'd be up for that.

I think he said "now I only have to fire 4 people" because he was originally going to fire 5… But I may be mistaken. Either way, she'd not struggle to get herself out of financial trouble pretty quickly if she put her mind to it. There haven't been any other mega expenses since then as far as I can remember.

I think "Santa Ana Wind" is my least favourite of the songs the show has done so far, but I do wonder whether that was intentional. Given the amount it got repeated I wouldn't be surprised if it was meant to be a bit annoying. I found myself amused (in an aggravated way) by the last time it rolled around.

I think the justification would be that she's still very well paid (not in the same league obviously) and that she can still splash out on big things without worrying too much, she just went completely out of control in season one.

Season review: three episodes watched for review
It's a ridiculous way of judging shows and it should be dropped as soon as possible.

I read "Mary won't go" as "Mary won't leave the program" though admittedly you could read it either way.

I honestly can't stand the AVClub "Series review" thing they seem to have drifted towards now. They always do the review straight up on release day. Sometimes it'll say "2 episodes watched for review". Just review individual episodes! Maybe do a retrospective series review, but you shouldn't be labelling a series as

Delayed reply I know, but I was looking through my Disqus thread and found this and it amused me. Ah the joy of hindsight.

I kind of love Peter Jackson's approach to story telling a lot of the time, when he'll set scenes for ages, being very slow and methodical with his character development. It feels more like television sometimes, but I've always preferred TV as a medium. It makes the Lord of the Rings trilogy feel like a proper lived