David Fulde

also, the WORST thing about him is now he is on the anti-vax movement as well, and his show host people who are spreading false information about immunizations.

I said it before in the other trailer thread and I'll say it here, the teaser gives the initial impression, coupled with Douglas' voice performance, that he is a shady guy with his own agenda and not to be 100% trusted, least of all by Scott Lang

My guess is Hank is in a basement lab because he's been pushed out of his own company! The one with his NAME ON IT! And he's recruiting Scott to steal back his own invention(s). The low-rent test comes from the suit Hank built in his totally secret basement lab.

Well, add Color Correction the long list of reasons my high school film projects looked like shit.

This isn't a "Pint-Sized Dialysis Machine." It's an artificial kidney that works on a standard hemodialysis machine. The difference is that this one targets blood-borne illnesses instead of (or perhaps in addition to—it isn't clear,) filtering out things like sodium and potassium. I'm not sure where the idea came from