David Fulde

HitRecord has paid relatively fairy in the past. It all depends on the budget. Not as high as a proper indicidual commission. But about the same as if you were to put it on a stock site.

They did a spot for LG and people were paid between $4600 and $1.95 depending on the prominence.

Like, if someone made a photo that

Stand-ins have no screentime other than very specific situations in which they are in a wide shot or a cameo - both of which are pretty rare

That’s what I was thinking! I didn;t see any announcement. It’s just been delayed - but they JUST revealed a new logo and announced that they are redesigning the module connectors.

Then... Get a phone with a removable battery and buy a second battery?

Most AA batteries are about ~900Mah - so 1800 for two

Most phone batteries are about 2500-2500Mah (Depending on if the battery is shitty or not)

So you buy a second battery and swap it out when the first is dead. Bam.

AFAIK - a few automakers are allowing you to make the choice. One car, and an option for CarPlay OR Android Auto

With most tech. This isn't an apple-specific rule at all :/

Very possible they flipped the image for clarity's sake

Can I actually buy these? they seem super cool.

I'm all for Sarah Snook in anything. I am cautiously excited for this because of the people involved...

To be fair - I don't think it's known how long they were in the network taking data. and for a company like Sony Pictures, who uses a massive intranet across all productions and offices (From LA to Nova Scotia and beyond) transferring shitloads of data every day - 100TB over, say, a week (Or even less) would be

He would have to make some new hardware anyway, so that everything could work wirelessly.

You have that backwards.

colour correction is taking the footage from a LOG colour space (The original, washed out, footage designed to keep as much detail as possible) and bringing it into a linear colour space, and then making sure the blacks are black, the whites are white, and balancing each shot so they match.


That it an incredibly good point. Huh. I hadn't considered that. I still don't like the name but that makes a lot of sense. I do like the name 'Synth' (though I enjoy the "hub" and "Hublover" slang, it will be interesting to see how they address this in the remake)

I really love this show and a lot is lining up for

the producers on board are the producers behind Utopia and Broadchurch so it's in good hands!

a a huge fan of the sci-fi originals, I HATED the name hubots so changing it to Synth is not a problem for me, ha ha

Could be a 'vent' of some sort? someone over-powering the crystal? (Or, as suggested in the article - hobbled together?)

Not a jump cut. A continuity error. Very different.

But... they can/have/will extort. Look at netflix; they were talking with comcast about their speed: Comcast was saying they wanted more money so that they could give them faster speed (See: Anti-net neutrality practices)

Netflix's speed on comcast's network PLUMMETED until they finally caved. Not treating sites with

I thought the POINT of an outlet mall was that it was filled with factory reject merchandise?

Pretty sure that if I bought something under the pre-tense of getting X; with no notification otherwise, I could get a full refund.