David Fulde

They have the Canon 1Dx coming out soon which is the Nikon D4 competitor

this is actually really funny to me

A mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses IS a DSLR without the mirror. It is impossible to have 'DSLR without the mirror' and still be a DSLR. Digital Single Lens Reflex. - No lens = Not a DSLR.

4K TV's are starting to pop up here and there. but there is VERY little 4K media, unless you work in the entertainment industry and use it to look at your own work

I can only see an 8K TV used for 4K 3D - and even THAT is overkill. a black and white checkerboard at 4K resolution, on an IMAX screen, is gray outside of the first few rows.

There is a company that made a 1080P screen this size. However: above 300DPI thereis not really much of a difference.

'can reach' <—- SDXC 'can reach' 2TB as well. doesn't mean we can currently get it

What about the 'Inverted mushroom' design, but with the screen lowered to bring the centre of gravity towards the millde? I feel as though that would be the best way to cram a 6.3 inch screen onto a controller.

Gotta love the guys in the foreground just going along their days as usual.

dude may have died if he succeeded. The luggage compartment is not heated or presurized. He would get MASSIVE frostbite.

this is a headline... Not a story :S

@Jared Bennett: It is such a minimal improvement it doesn't really matter.

Also: Those photo's make it look SMALL

@JoshGlzBrk: continuous Auto focus, in these camera's current form, can only be done, to my knowledge, with the mirror down. you would need a beam splitter instead of a mirror (A couple of sony's camera's do this) to have continuous autofocus.

Dear canon: you are market spamming.

the best part about this? They can make a boatload of cash from producers leasing shots from them.

@JimJam707: probably something special for him.

...did Chris Cunningham direct this?