David Fulde

re: the Water pipe thing: Umm... water pipes are never/rarely washed meaning that they slowly gain dust and grime etc. I don't want to run my clothes over that. I'll just use a dryer sheet. thanks.

Yeah. I am Number four isn't, there is not meat to it. I'm about 3/4 through and it's mindless (I read most of it in a day then got bored). the main character has absolutely no weaknesses (At least as of yet) and John Smith (Yes. John Smith) is so one dimensional he seems about as fleshed out as a 'bit' character

@kaffenated: Maybe, except that CDMA iPhones have been in parallel development for when/if they left ATT, so it wasn;t something like: Shit! Gotta make this work in 6 months! they have had it, more or less, working for a few years now

you completely ignored the bit rate amplification :/

@Neutral English Bro: Well, android is a computer operating system, which works in zeros and ones using a MATHEMATICAL formula. therefore: weather on Android = Math :P

I thought the X-box 360 had a bad time keeping it under wraps.

seems to me like a great little security systym! set it up to record when there is movement around the house and boom!

Good for her! Dropping 14 dress sizes. and, though I'm not a fan of twilight (In any way shape or form) I'm not going to critisize someone for what they do. It's thier body, do what they will but, I personally would have advised against it if I were a friend of hers.

Aperture three for 80$!? Well... I know what I'm buying soon

I had heard this story before, and I thought that this article was saying that his film ended up not coming out properly which would SUCK