this was good blogging
this was good blogging
I was visiting a friend at the University of Delaware, and we had taken mushrooms about two hours before. We were sitting in the living room, tripping hard, when a non-tripping friend got a phone call. "Artest did what?" This was right after he announced he was gonna sit out the season to make a rap video. I didn't…
We're going to need to see these cat pictures, Erin.
Yea if I could just chime in here, that headline blew my headline away.
right. he's good at football
the people who killed all the people?
Seeing as he killed just as many people as Dzokhar Tsarnaev, I imagine the backlash from Bostonians will be just as—HHAHAHAAH who am I kidding
I would argue that this entirely defeats it's own purpose because it doesn't expose any "taboo" body parts whereas the other did. It skirts the issue by covering them in fleshtone suits. Why couldn't this have dicks in it?
There's gotta be serious collusion among BIG THREAD COUNT. 400? Let's just call it 650. I call bullshit
But if she bleeds from it and she dies, will he finally trust her?
Right! That's why we should never ask if God exists until we find out the answer
This is why we should never ask if God exists, right?
Because he's dressed exactly like Michael Bolton would be if someone told him "Look like a football coach"
In most cases yes, but you forfeit that right when you prance around acting like your Muhammad Ali
I wouldn't expect you guys to end the first day of the new design with any other song. Thanks
With absolutely no scientific basis, I just think horse meat would be tougher, given that the animals have evolved to travel long distances at high speeds whereas cows have not. That's said, I'll braise the heck out of it
You interviewed Katie Baker?
Can you toss me a link to that?