David Coonce

The live show was where it was at. Once they started professionally recording every show - those albums became the must-haves. I have probably 15 of those and they're all tremendous.

I almost put 13 Songs on top for that reason. I saw them on that very first tour, surrounded by scary skinheads yelling for Minor Threat songs and calling the band "fags." Like 1988 or so. I don't reach for the first one as much anymore, but every song is an intrinsic part of my makeup.

Kill Taker
End Hits
Red Medicine
Steady Diet

It reminds me of a quote King once said (and I'm going to paraphrase): "I prefer to go for the scares. But if not, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud."

I watched the miniseries a few years ago - it is truly awful; no Stephen King novel really lends itself to a PG rating, honestly - but yeah, it was basically just ignored.

And spoiler alert for those who haven't read it, but I truly truly hope that the final scene, after the kids believe they have killed IT and are still underground, is excised from the film. I understand why King had it in the original novel; end of innocence, etc., but just…no.

Never mind. Wikipedia is my friend. I suppose if this one does well there's a part two already planned.

Ok, I loved this novel when I was younger; I think it's one of his very best. I haven't kept up with this movie adaptation much; like most people, I just feel like IT, like The Stand, is just too long to be contained to a single film, and so much of the horror of IT is internal…anyway, so this is the first trailer

It's easy to be all snarky here because, hey, it was just a crappy nu-metal band none of us listened to or whatever, but he was a real person in real pain, and leaves behind a real family. National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255.

Exactly. I feed my child adventurous stuff at home, where he can behave as badly as he'd like. On the very rare occasions we can go out to eat, I'd rather him not just have a public tantrum.

Sure. I love them. But it felt like some weird humble-brag.

Ahh, condescending and smug parent-shaming from somebody who can afford to go out to eat 2-3 times a week and buys expensive castlevetrano olives. Could this be any more tone-deaf? (Also, have to love the idea of asking the restaurant to reduce the price of something because "there's less of it.")

I clicked on this for some reason, knowing nothing about anybody involved (I've carefully avoided any and all Kardashian-related things over the years) and now I'm just sad to have read this. Ugh.

Hmm, disseminating fake news to the media in order to discredit them. That sounds like, um, Propaganda, right?

Gosh, remember when Ted Nugent said he'd like to "shove a machine gun" down Obama's throat, and then got invited to the White House by…wait for it…President Trump? I mean, that was only like 2 months ago.

I've had horse meat in France, also tartare. It was delicious. When I was a kid I used to read the Beverly Cleary "Mouse and the Motorcycle" books, and in those books, Henry (the kid who owned the mouse) was always buying horsemeat at the local grocery store to feed to his dog. So quite obviously this was once really

I listen to Pet Sounds more often but have no real opinion on the matter. I do think the version of Kokomo recorded for Pet Sounds but never released is a truly beautiful song. Much better than the '80s single that finally cropped up.

"I didn't need molded plastic to improve my physique…pure West."

It's for a duck. I'll take a footlong steak fajita sub and sunchips. There's six ducks out there and they all want sunchips.

Pepperidge Farm bread? That shit is double-wrapped. Even when you open it, it still ain't open. That's why I never buy it. I don't need another step between me and toast.