
I think this particular season put it in really stark relief because the two strongest in the competition were out so early. AS3 didn’t have BenDeLaCreme or Shangela in the final four, but both of them made it to the 2nd half of the season, and one of them left of her own volition. Jimbo and Pangina were both booted

I love Bosco but her moderator role was much more marking the territory than enabling the guests. Yeah, it was funny but to me it doesn't matter if in a group challenge your smartness sabotages your team. This is not Risingson Carlos' Drag Race though so...

Must say I never liked the panels challenge: it is one of the most difficult, most boring and it tends to judge the queens on how they are, not what they do. Still, that lip sync is cool. But I agree with Trae: it felt a bit like a waste of time

I think Daya is a talented queen. I do wonder if the competition or being in front of the cameras is affecting her behavior more so than, say, Willow. Like I can imagine Jasmine behaves like she does whether cameras are there or not. I’m not so sure about Daya. It’s possible she’s just reasonably confident IRL but

How do you feel about Daya? I don’t want to be toxic fan culture when I say she’s one of the biggest Eeyore’s without the sweetness.

This season had the double-edged sword of including Pangina. On one side, she was spectacular for the most part and easily my pick to win. On the other side, she had been a judge who was now competing against queens that had only ever been contestants. She essentially was on a different level to begin with.

I agree that the runway was a letdown. And I just couldn’t get into Deja’s garment, which should have been 8-bit ‘80s blocky, pixellated, fun, but read as cheap and tacky. And overpowering, as has come to be usual for the season, but in a boxy way.

This show needs to stop with all these non eliminations it's getting old. If they have to fill more episodes why not just have more queens in the competition.

maybe it was a misleading edit for the snatch game, but it looks like it’s where Willow finally has a misstep :(

That was an incredible lipsync that should have ended with a double elimination. Bring them back for All-Stars when they’re more self-assured.

Snatch Game is next week. With Kornbread having to leave, they wouldn’t have had enough queens

They appear to have a terrific time, and it’s an excellent lip sync. Was it worthy of a double shantay? I’m not entirely sure.

That’s who Willow reminds me of! Thank you! I can’t believe none of the judges have mentioned that. 

Oh yea this season is basically a dumpster fire now. I hope Blu wins. If only because she made the power move. 

Alec Mapa might seem like a throwback to earlier RPDR judges because he’s actually been on the show before! If I remember correctly, he didn’t get to be a judge but was one of the guests for the very first Snatch Game, all the way back in season two.

Great idea!

I mean if these queens were born in the 90s (and maybe even one or two in the early 2000s?) I’m not surprised they’re not familiar with music from 40 years before they were even born. I was born in 1973 and don’t know a lot about music from the 1930s for example

The Ru-Ru’s, Bangleru’s, Runanadrama and the Pointru Sisters.

I agree, and dare I say it could be argued that Blu sent home the queen she legitimately thought was worst that week. Some might say she was “playing the game” by getting rid of her biggest competition, but evidently even Pangina wasn’t perfect and could have a bad week. That’s just Drag Race.

I have a regular discourse as I am obsessed with pop culture which is: you can see a clear evolution of cinematic language, you can see a slight mainstreaming of the gameplay bits, but in the last two decades pop music has stalled hard, super super hard. And not only girl groups: I am a gay old clubber and it