One thing that completely enraged me, and I’m surprised no one else has talked about, was the lip sync song. “Good Golly Miss MOlly” WTF? What were they supposed to do with that?
One thing that completely enraged me, and I’m surprised no one else has talked about, was the lip sync song. “Good Golly Miss MOlly” WTF? What were they supposed to do with that?
Again, the damn Kinja interface had you all up in the ‘grayed’ comments, I just don’t get it.
Let’s not forget that Latrice already noted that Kylie is a WITCH. And justly so! Well, she’s already won the season even if I doubt that she’ll get the crown.
Ha! This is actually how I would’ve approached the S13 “Miss Congeniality Roast”: by suggesting that each of the “victims” were each missing a few letters out of that pseudo-acronym. Jujubee and Bob teased this idea on their first seasons, and it’s time that someone drove it home.
True or not, it had the feel of something that she’s shared before on the stage. A lot. And I certainly wouldn’t put it past her to milk that Wizard of Oz angle for extra bonus points with RuPaul. I’m going to paraphrase Allison here, but Ginger in particular excels in the ability to demonstrate vulnerability on a…
Maybe Eureka’s taking a risk by being folksy and personable and telling a funny story! (She’s not.)
Because the entire cast is filled with professionals, all of whom can deliver material with as much class and polish as required in an artifical environment, the monologues were less painful than they might have been. It certainly played better than most of the roasts and the S12 “One Queen Show”, which became mired…
It does suck that that ‘someone’ was Trinity.
How’s that,now?
The entire concept of this challenge was broken — how is it fair on any level that one queen had to have won nine consecutive lipsyncs, and another only one, to advance? — so in some ways the discussion of riggery is moot. Then again, it was far more entertaining than simply dropping Art Simone back into the…
Please place any spoilers in a spoiler tag. I choose not to spoil myself for these shows, and I know that this true for many other viewers, as well. A Herculean task given the fact that everyone wants to spoil everything, but possible. And I’ve inadvertetly spoiled things for UK viewers, so I know where you’re coming…
I actually thought that Silky won her lipsyncs pretty fairly up until Jan. And she didn’t really have a prop for her lipsync with Eureka, although some would say that the body bag in which she delivered herself was a propos for that particular debacle. But she had a great run up to that point and was probably just…
If Ru brings her back again to be in the top five after that, I will be livid.
Jan won her lip-sync.
Luckily, the episode gives the queens a fun mini-challenge
Lastly, just like her previous runway, I think Ra’Jah’s costume looked cheap and crafty -
I didn’t love this challenge
Eureka also already did Divine on S10 in the “Evil Twins” challenge. And when I say “Divine”, I mean “Babs from Pink Flamingos” and not something even more fun, like Francine Fishpaw in Polyester, which is probably my favourite Divine performance. And lest anyone suggest that she was simply “inspired” by Divine in…
At the end of the day, Ru is the one you have to play to and Ginger is smart that way.
I was hoping to see someone do a pop art interpretation of a soda can.