
Pity there wasn’t more fun or interesting stuff with Yvie, Kameron and Vanjie throughout the whole series.

While it’s clear that Asia needs to heal, It would be most unfortunate for any one of these queens to use their experience from Vegas Revue (the television show, and not their actual job) for some form of psychotherapy. I just hope that the distorted view of their lives that we’re being shown -- which must be

You made me google! Derrick Berry is thirty-seven!? Holy flaming hell, you do have a righteous point with her.

Well we all love The Hunger Games, don’t we? But when you take the competition out of this concept it all just becomes pointless bitchery without any heart. I’d like to see this series retooled with a greater emphasis on the talent, and if the producers want the thrillz, they can always introduce some ranking system

And speaking of shit-disturbing, who is that crew member (pictured in the screen shot at the top of the recap) who trolled Asia with his insinuations about the rest of the queens? He is a PA, right?

I try not to be too judgey when I remember that all of these people are really, really young and lack the life experience and maturity that would help to keep this very minor bullshit in perspective. I find it quite jarring to hear the queens repeatedly reference “their season” as if it was some major developmental mil

The only thing worse than Teenage High School Drama are a group of twentysomethings who willingly engage in Teenage High School Drama. Can’t we get a behind-the-scenes look at putting on a show instead? Or how the queens are treated by the local queens? Or other queens? Anything?

Thanks for mentioning this. There was something deeply, uncomfortably voyeuristic in being invited to experience raw (and real) emotional pain as entertainment. This show is whipsawing between Snoozeville and the sad and slow emotional dismemberment of the only queen on the show who’s shown true maturity and emotional

Congratulations to Priyanka!

This show is making me rethink the truism that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Is anyone coming off well at this point? I’m beginning to dislike everyone except Kameron who (ironically) has the sense to stay away from the cameras’ lenses as much as possible.

To be fair, though, Derrick had nothing to do with the editing, pacing, and writing in this latest installment of Ambien: the Musical. I don’t care who’s in the cast: we’re not going to get behind the show if we don’t know what it’s about. Are there are any new numbers we’d like? Stunts? Tricks? Messy Tucks? This is a

Since I am still “Fifty Shades of G(r)ay”, I’m going to hijack this thread and veer back to the actual topic at hand: this ep’s snoozefest, as we struggle to stay awake watching Queens We Formerly Liked do things, in some place, for some reason. I have to say that I’m in complete agreement with Asia(?), who questioned

The top three are all...fine, but season-long editing and judging shenanigans have robbed this of what should be a joyous occasion. Instead, I cannot recall one standout Priyanka moment during the whole season (except in her talking heads, where she’s shown to have one emotion: excitement); Scartlett’s under-the-radar

Jimbo is bitter as a Seville orange.

Thank god for these recaps...because this means that I could fast-forward through most of this episode, hitting what few highlights there were, without missing the “plot”.  I never thought I’d get to see drag queens being so...boring. Although it did briefly numb my mind to Jimbo’s entirely unwarranted elimintation

Derrick just isn’t a very compelling television personality, which is suprising given her extensive on-stage experience. I was actually expecting a complete turnaround from her Drag Race appearances in which she shows off the dazzling perfomance skills which have kept her steadily employed in a tightly competitive

Remember the ANTM spinoff Modelville? This is -- as Adore would say -- very that. It’s not terrible, and I’ll probably watch more installments, but this is definitely C-grade material.

No. The panel! 

Now that would be one weird show: American Horror Story: Dragpocalypse! I’m totally in.

It’s been a great season, aside from watching the judges’ slow and painful and very unfair dismemberment of Jimbo’s drag. I say ditch everyone except Stacey for the next season and bring in some talent on the panel!