
But next week: Gigi goes after Heidi and gets the bitch edit! We’ll have to see how that plays into her story arc through the endgame.

...although I couldn’t believe that Sherry was not criticized for her paint after Ru specifically pointed out that she’d served that look before. Other queens, like DeLa, have either gone home for that or been on the end of a runway dressing-down for that. Crystal was repeatedly criticized for doing exactly the same

Honestly, all of the seasons since Season 8 have been a little wonky. You’ve pointed out the problems with Season 9; Season 10 had some great challenges and contestants but a mediocre start and conclusion; and Season 11 had the opposite problem along with really disappointing eliminations right in the middle that sort

The debate in this episode was much stronger than the one we got in Season 4, when Phi Phi was the conductor, signalwoman, and lone passenger of the trainwreck express. And Chad was a hard miss, Latrice forgot her talking points, Dida forgot to attend, and Alaska won by default. The bitchery has now faded and those

“E for effort”. I can’t believe that I’m down to quoting Silky, but that’s where we are right now. She started off with that great idea — and a robot candidate can be played so many ways -- but then she just dropped it before it could land anywhere. It would be awesome to have the character return frequently to the

“Um, I don’t think you’re seeing that Tyra’s a complete bitch.”

It was kind of weird that we got the JanBot edit through Jaida’s talking head in this episode. Why didn’t the writers use it for the Foreshadowing of Doom in a previous episode? This just seemed to be a gratuitous kick in the balls when a bitch was already sore. 

I thought it up while passing the bus stop.

Yes, but at least Gigi looks good doing it. Seriously, I really thought Sherry stole Nina West’s witch mask this week and was going to whip it off for an amazing and ironic reveal of decent makeup.

I will say that the important workroom political discussion was edited quite poorly. The choice — choices! — to put full emphasis on Jackie’s very sad commentary with her family’s immigration struggles meant that Widow’s really tragic point about not being able to drive around Kansas City without feeling like her life

Well, it is difficult to accurately rate Sherry’s performance given her edit...but I’m satisfied with her edit, as her drag continues to be quite stale. While I’m happy for Carson that a bedazzled diaper on the runway is “refreshing” for him, that makeup...girl... 

The editors did a great job of foreshadowing with keeping Jackie’s sequenced basketball jersey lurking ominously in the background at the beginning of the episode. Dun dun dun!

The fact that the show even dipped its toes into such a fraught and loaded area is a complete surprise — and to its guests’ and contestants’ credit. For all Ru’s talk of drag’s impact on activism, Drag Race tends to be strangely apolitical.

Gigi showed the same silhouette in the very first episode, and her runway look — as polished as it was — just didn’t have the freshness that her pirate look gave on first impact. Her debate didn’t quite come together, but I did think it was pretty clever to use her robot Snatch Game character as a Presidential

The maxi-challenge walkthrough was probably the strongest I’ve seen in many seasons. Raven provided concise, cogent, and above all — useful — constructive bullet points that played to the strength of each queen. And it was a delight to dispense with Ru’s coy bullshit that we usually see during these things. Her advice

Completely agree. Widow had a stronger presence than the other bottoms in the debate, and her runway look was amazing. Still, I feel that she should have added a black glove to complete an essential element of her look. Or would that be a silver, sparkly glove? Still, it’s hard to debate the point that it feels right

We all liked it better because it was actually Season 12 condensed into 30 seconds: all the footage that was needed was shot, but in no apparent order; there seemed to be huge gaps in the plot at first; and it was edited on the fly. Great job being Meta, Crystal!

Well I can’t disagree with you on that one. Seeing Jonathan Bennett overreact by clapping like a seal and cackling away at some of the more unfunny and cringy bits on Snatch Game led me to very dark thoughts about his Peter Gallagher eyebrows, which reminded me of Silky’s makeup skills with a sharpie. And his attempt

I was also hating on Sideshow Bob during his workroom walkthrough with Ru. I mean, at least give the queens some fresh insight, and that does not include hearing you talk about how you brand yourself. Also: Widow makes a somewhat self-deprecating fat joke. Bob gives a “I’m glad she went there so I didn’t have to!”

Sure, Jan. *flips hair*