
Which Taylor are you talking about, assuming you've never met Taylor Swift and you need a hobby

The thing I find strangest about you is that you bemoan how hot women can “get away with” having shallow personalities and hot men cannot.

“Interesting” women (those with self esteem) don’t want to date you because you lack self-awareness. 

I’m fat as hell but can attest that after a slave day of baking, I no longer want to eat cake

You say this as is America hasn't recently changed and for the worse!

This comment just celebrated its third birthday and “humanist in place of feminist” still isn’t a thing.

And who lives as a woman.

Businesses don’t have to pay tax on profits they reinvest into the business, i.e. actually fucking hiring people. What the fuck do I care about how much money a small business owner can sock away into CDs? Fuck 'em.

So... Russia?

Disavow whiteness because it’s not a real thing anyway. Our privilege is the only real thing about it

BULLSHIT. Twitter and Facebook are part of the media now and you can bet white people would share their experiences of being “profiled” and those posts would go viral just like black people’s experiences do.

I guess they teach you to avoid making a moral commitment in a vague way

Problem: racists don’t know they’re racists and will lynch 100 black people for “horrible crimes” without asking themselves why they never target white people

You don’t need to experience negative emotions about something in order to want to change it. Casual racism used to make me angry until I saw how common it was. I don’t blame racists anymore for what they believe, because I know it came from their culture.

This article is about personal offenses. Race based hate speech isn't personal, it's against entire races of people. It's a different, real problem. Most personal insults aren't real problems.

I didn’t read anything about it (your current assertions), I just assumed that if adults are 50% of the initial infections they would be 50% of the deaths according to the null hypotheses of the question, “is this disease more fatal to adults than to children?”

Oops, talking to myself

Not that I condone it, but physical assault against this fascist regime’s officials would be anything but random.

Or they MUST NOT, because they are the heads of a party whose mission MUST BE to establish justice.

My assumptions: