
Well they need to improve their aim because the market shifted.

So Clarice is suggesting that trans people fall into one discrete and static psychological profile.

In what sense is Buffalo Bill not trans?

Dude there’s no blood test to determine whether a person is trans or not. Denying anyone SRS on the basis of “well they aren’t REALLY trans for REAL” is more bullshit sexism/gender essentialism. The only reason it’s not offensive is because it’s a fictional character

Where’s your alternate universe that proves none of the elections mattered until you say they did? 

Oh honey.

Norsemen’s coming back, huh?

I’ll give them one episode to win me back.

God damn just assume it’s a bag of money or weed or unicorn rainbow farts, it does NOT matter. If all our figurative language had to first exist in an encyclopedia so we’d know exactly how to use it correctly, we’d never get new figurative language and there would be no point in ever, ever using it. Don’t be a drip.*

Half the people I’ve canvassed say Warren is their favorite, but they’re too scared to vote for her because they believe other people are too sexist to vote for her in the general.

As in, sexism is costing her votes

I have no idea what or whom you’re talking about but I am curious if you want to try rewriting this.

*I* would vote for these folks in the General Election, but people in the towns of Bumblefuck all across the land may not and I don’t want to lose the election.

Weird how college-educated liberals like myself so often have time to volunteer with political campaigns.

Courage over cynicism! You’re not alone.

So he’s your preferred candidate because of semantics.

But I think that *is* exactly how it turned out

Why the fuck would a superior candidate who is smarter, younger, hasn’t had a heart attack and has already effected meaningful economic reform for the middle class martyr herself so the inferior candidate can get more votes he wouldn’t even necessarily get because people are complicated like that?

“Seems like it would have health risks somewhere down the line” yeah I guess if you need seven root canals and receive seven root canals over the course of your life you would be more likely than the average person to suffer from some amount of nerve damage in your toothzone but YOU BLITHERING IDIOT, HAVE YOU NO IDEA

What is “reincarnation?” You’d have different DNA and no memories, right? You could retain the little spark of “conscience” that Eleanor explains to Timothy Olyphant, but then your journey wouldn’t be over. Even in Buddhism they stop reincarnating after nirvana. That’s what nirvana is, as far as I understand; the rest

They wouldn’t end the series there, because that’s not an end.

If I know this series, and they treat “start again from square one” as an option, at least one of the characters (definitely including Michael) will go that route in the last 10 minutes, live an entire life, and possibly more than one, and eventually reconv
