
Does that figure roughly match the percentage of the population who are adults? Because that would be the expected outcome in a place that doesn’t have a high immunity rate like the US.

If you go to an ER and not a doctor with whom you have an existing relationship and tell them what psychoactive drugs they need to give you to treat your non-physical ailment, that is drug seeking behavior. That is abusing drugs and abusing yourself.

The freakiest show is always in the grays

Cured? Your ass. Ain’t no cure for personality disorders.

I know it’s not exactly the same, but as a fat white woman it feels really familiar to me too.

Or he’s playing the long game. He doesn’t want to alienate Trump’s successor, because whoever that is might care more than Trump does and will NEED Obama’s guidance on how to be a goddamn president.

Because he killed strangers for no reason. She may have killed her child to protect him from nightly rapes at the hands of his father. Probably not, but we really don’t know.

Well, it looks like biological sex is the first thing on the checklist so they just jump to the next item to consider: health and safety, “appropriate options.” Like, I don’t know if Caster Semenya is intersex, but if she was, and was in prison for something, she passes as a woman, lives as a woman, would probably ask

Today’s Schedule!!<<<3

Because young regimes are always more stable than the ones they replaced

You think white allies are born understanding racism?

Nope. Transwomen are women but are often not female, and that’s a sticking point for some people

When they say “biological” sex do they mean current biological sex? As in, a pre-surgery transman would be housed with cis women by default, until and unless he makes a compelling case otherwise, or completes surgical transition while in prison? And a woman who has completed surgical and hormonal gender transition

Or you could just read the book

Needs more stars

Sorry for resurrecting, but why is institutional sexism a special case such that we should ignore it?

I don’t think the police need LESS budget in response to this. Different budget, perhaps. Make sure they have continued anti-bias workshops. Several times per year. Even if antiblack racism were no longer a problem.



That progress has come from the work of people of color and from a couple select politicians who thought progressive policies would help them (Lyndon Johnson). There has not been progress in the individual racial awareness of white people, at least not steadily over time.