
Every politician does that, fuck you.


Gonna go out on a limb and assume you didn’t have a mortgage or family to support at the time.

This POS white asshole does not understand the difference between hating someone’s ethnicity and hating their privilege, so he thinks his ethnicity, his color, his culture, is under attack the way black people’s are. No one gives a shit that you were born in a bathtub still, you prick.

But there has NOT been progress! That’s the point!!!!

But they always play against trope! - in this case, the trope that wjosh is “wrong” for not wanting to raise a baby. I’m grieving their relationship too. Can we hope that they meet a pair of sexy twins and have a close knit extended family relationship?

Or they’re sexist, whichever

How is it a slap in the face moreso than every legit pregnancy with a dudebro douchebag?

Women who have trouble getting pregnant are in no way the butt of fake pregnancy announcements.


Is it mandated that they report complications from childbirth? Because that OB and that hospital almost murdered me and I don’t even know whether my state learned about their negligence.

I habitually tone down capitalization and punctuation and grammar because I thought it contributed to an informal feeling, a feeling of being equals, a sense of not being scared of having visible faults. Being approachable.


I’m not Catholic but if I was that would be far and away my favorite Billy Joel song and their pearl clutching about it just illustrates how true the theme is

What you’re doing is called “concern trolling”

So per his statement, he didn’t realize he raped her.

Next time this happens, or perhaps the time after next, your precocious 9-year-old (for there will surely be more mass school killings before their birthday) will smell this bullshit for what it is.

Everyone has an accent. Including white people.

I’m sorry, is my white safety more historically important than Trayvon Martin’s black safety?

Ok when was the last time you - or anyone- accused a parent or step parent of raping them just for fun? Like, they were totally making it up for a lark, and they maintained the lie through adulthood.