
I’d be alright with that. In all fairness, Liev Schreiber’s performance as Sabretooth was the one good thing in that movie.

I maintain that Trump is a disingenuous snake oil salesman. Cruz has deeply held beliefs at his very core that are fucking terrifying. In the opinion of this godless heathen, religious wackos are WAY more frightening that your typical run-of-the-mill crazies.

If you’re the Kylie that appeared as a green fairy in Moulin Rouge, you’re automatically the better Kylie. #TeamMinogue all the way.

I totally agree that a person’s name should not be trademarked. But, more importantly, if you asked that question 15-2o years people would have told you that you were out of your goddamn mind. What in the fuck happened, society?

She’s attractive with asinine and backwards right wing views. In other words, as they say on Fox News, “when can you start?”

You need not worry about her, she’ll be inside the safe space of Fox News tomorrow.

Even his own goddamn family is fucking terrified of him.

You have my condolences for living under a Santorum surge.

Do you really love the lamp?

That’s fair. Cruz just invites more fear and hate. To me, at least. Also, I’m embarrassed to say, he’s the senator of my state.

Trump is an unprincipled dickhead, a carnival barker who will say literally anything if the things it will get him elected. I can’t muster up enough of my deep seated, seething Liberal bile to despise him. Cruz, on the other hand, gives me a raging hate-on.


What is love?

No one running on their side is above this. The Republicans told the idea of dignity to go fuck itself a long time ago.

I had a friend that actually saw this movie (and had to find a priest afterwards) and said it was this generation’s Waterworld. Just without the magic of Dennis Hopper.

Dammit Geoffrey Rush needs to stop appearing in giant bombs! First Green Lantern, now this? He’s a great actor.

In my day, when my moms were really fucking bored, they just went over to the neighbors house to drink box wine. Can we go back to those days?

Hasn’t it been proven that there were dudes in the organization as well?