
Totally envy that you live in Alaska. Had a wonderful vaca there a couple of years ago and fell in love.

Awesome story and Kyoto is an extraordinary city. The walk up to that main temple is one of my favorite travel experiences.

We deserve to know how this turned out!

Bill Pullman in Independence Day was well played.

The firewood thing is awesome! My teen recently decided to make a fire pit. Lots of acreage we have here. He built his pit directly next to the firewood pile and our large shed. I swear to God if I didn't see my wife give birth to him I wouldn't believe that he is mine.

They got exceedingly lucky with O'Brien. Hopefully he hangs around a few more years while the program recovers more fully. It is a relatively light schedule, otherwise I think this is the year they would be in real trouble. No significant QB experience whatsoever to speak of, and defensive leadership has graduated.

Teenage Fireworks DUAN:

Their coach is awesome, and had trememdous success at Notre Dame before PS swayed her. Attended a luncheon with her, genuine, smart, obviously a very good coach. The women's team is in good hands.

You quote me now sonny. The statue was removed, not destroyed. It will be back inside five years in recognition of all the good he did (people outside State College truly have no idea....). Now, I ain't saying that is the right thing to do. Or the wrong thing to do. Just that it will be done.

Penn State.

Much more likely to throw Dan Patrick into a tantrum, this is his pet peave.

My wife just spent a week in Oregon building kayaks from scratch with a girlfriend of hers. Had a fabulous time.

I think it works just fine. Just don't name the damn place the "Starbuck's Stadium" or some such crap, and you can have your damn hockey team. Deal?

I have been sheepled over to the "recommend" side of the pasture, solely because it serves a purpose in addition to ego-stroking. But I wasn't happy about it.

Saw a newer-looking Lotus in Arlington, VA on 23rd Street last Sunday. Just gorgeous, it even elicited a no-f-ing-way to my son from myself despite Arlington having its share of exotics, but unfortunately I am not well-enough versed to say just what it was.

The latter was far more plausible than the former, unfortunately.

Teen son had a friend sleeping over last week, friend is being single-parented by his mom and was awake before my son one morning. I am flipping channels upstairs and see Radwansk's legs zipping around the court, and yell down to him to flip the channel to the tennis. He is confused. And then he gets it.

I just don't get that move by the Flyers, it made no sense whatsoever in terms of your own cap situation and goaltending needs. He is a tremendous leader and I guess it may be an attempt to fill the Pronger void on some level, but you guys have far more pressing needs. And with the NHL cap being a hard cap, maybe

He was but he won't be now. The implication is that the Isles are "ready to spend" on free agency, which is always dicey because you know, sometimes players have an aversion to playing on the island. This is risky in that the Islanders could have trouble reaching the salary floor if they can't make some moves for

This guy was the consummate pro, and never gave less than 100% of what he had available. As much as the contract angered me as a life-long Isles fan (all 41 years...) I certainly never blamed RDP for signing the damn thing. And the injuries are what they are.