
another pretty lame plot twist for The Killing ruined a lot of good work the rest of the season did. True Detective showed us how a great detective series unfolds. The Killing continues to show us forced plot twists and numerous, ridiculous red herrings because in the end it lacks ideas, substance, and conviction.

finally Rectify is back! and this season has more episodes too!!!

I really appreciate this season's reviews, but the In the Woods episode(s) really should never be compared to Dazed and Confused. All they really have in common is that they both have young people and some marijuana use. Otherwise, Dazed and Confused is a fun, albeit romanticized, bit of high school life,

Arya feels more cliched to me than Jon Snow, at least when you look at her as a whole (but the actress is pretty great when it comes to most important scenes)

This reviewer and a lot of people seem to really hate John Snow…I know he's not the most dynamic personality in Westeros, but he is one of the most relatable and likable characters, and his story lines are always interesting. Ygritte was great, but I don't think she needed to be on the show any longer than she was.

I wasn't trying to quibble, just making an observation…they are definitely very different, but for me OITNB is definitely NOT near the pinnacle of its respective art form.

that's a pretty poor review from Slant, but I also just disagree with in entirely, so I'm biased. That said, I am a fan of Slant's website, their list of the greatest 100 films of all-time is far more interesting (and accurate) than just about any other you'll find on the internet.

Wow, this episode was amazing, every aspect really struck home in ways I could relate to, even if the actions sometimes I couldn't relate to. The characters were exceptional, especially the Science teacher, but also the drug dealer, the bully/friend, even the minor characters like the Science teacher's daughter,

thanks for this series of posts, Spacemeat, I was thinking along a near identical train of thought after watching this episode…it's still a great show, but it does walk the dangerous line of not respecting its characters, especially ones that display admirable qualities. Some of the Coen brother's films (most of

don't forget North Dakota

Bert's song and dance number reminded me of Tsai Ming Liang's brilliant film from 1999, The Hole, which was a very good thing.

"Benedict Joan."
"Every time an old man starts talking about Napoleon, you know they're gonna die."

Really good season, but calling it the best show of the year is too much for me, sorry Todd. I can think of one that I enjoyed more and thought was better, and there are two other shows half-way through their seasons that I doubt The Americans can top by the time they reach their end (prematurely judging them on the

thanks JHG, this is interesting, but still doesn't really help the scene for me

Great episode, but I'm not so sure about the fish…seems over the top in a way that wasn't necessary. I mean, there already was a massive blizzard hitting the area, that is plenty enough on its own to warrant a car accident. And just leaving the blizzard to its work would also have been more ambiguous or indifferent

she's really great, and so is the writing and filmmaking…try watching the gorgeous movie "The Spirit of the Beehive" for some amazing presence/perspectives of a child too

Lou: "Do you know who had a ridiculous dream? And people laughed at him?"
Stan: "You?"

100% agree

the ones I ate weren't BBQ'd, hey had some kind of dark sauce

I lived in Guangdong province in southern China a couple years ago, and one of the local dishes in the city I lived in was baby pigeon…you eat them whole like the dish in this episode, but it was a big let down, a lot of crunching bones (that then scratch your throat a bit), and little flavor