
the shot of her running to the beach, stripping, entering the ocean,
with Louie following, was a great reference to Jaws.

says the person who doesn't understand substance in film

most real detective work relies far more than you think on chance, and most of it is quite simple, too. you should watch or rewatch a little of The First 48 to get started. and i didnt see much at all being desecrated, not sure where youre getting that from

damn you got me, genius

it was pretty great if you understand film at all

episodes 6 and 7 really were far, far better than most of us gave them credit for.

100% agree. But Pam just annoys me in general most of the time, the only not funny part of an amazing show, so probably I'm the wrong one to ask

This show is great with ongoing jokes (it's great with nearly any jokes), but I have had waaaaaaaay more than enough of Pam's cocaine eating/drinking/anything

wish we got to know how Hannibal got into, and out of (with Abel) the mental institution…maybe I missed something, but that seems like it would be an enormous task

this reviewer is quite possibly the best of all the AV Club's TV staff…his dry humor and cutting straight to the point fit Justified very well

there sure are an amazing number of incredibly creative, prolific serial killers in this world that the show has created

every time I saw the ear I just wanted to watch Blue Velvet

TV said the fight choreography was terrific in the final scene, but for me it was maybe the least convincing part of a good episode: for one, Philip and Elizabeth are near invincible it seems, and secondly for me it was just a very standard fight scene (plus some extra head smashing angst to show Elizabeth is not

feminism or friendship?

Sorry guys, I'm with Zack on this one. While I didn't laugh, the story was just not built up well, couldn't fully invest in it - you really need time, effort, and good writing to pull off a tragedy like that. Especially in a show that has continuously made decisions for shock value effect (although not as many as

Not sure what you were expecting, but I think your expectations are what is causing your overreaction. I'll admit that the show was slightly disappointing in the last two episodes (because of how amazing the first six episodes were), but this was no spectacular failure - the worst part of this episode was the

So, here's what this review pretty much says, 'hey this episode was not so good, except for this, that was pretty good, and this was pretty good too, and the things i didn't like, i'll vaguely go into that, but mostly it's just that i don't like detective stuff, unless it's flashy or with fireworks, and this episode

did anyone else laugh when Rick strangles the guy to death while the guy knocks everything clattering to the bathroom floor from the counter and they proceed to bust up the room loudly, and then Rick very very slowly and quietly opens the window to escape

I think we probably just have slightly different taste or preferences…I enjoy both, and although Shameless has had some weak moments in past seasons, it has been very good this season, and this episode the best - but True Detective is so beautifully shot, patiently crafted, and bizarrely profound, and creates such a

definitely was a great episode of an improving show, but True Detective has been really difficult to top so far