
It's hard for me to get over Svetlana's terribly fake Russian accent. Not sure why everyone is so enamored by her

how can you say that, her fake Russian accent is so painful…even more than the endless hipster jokes in this episode

People frequently make the following claim, but so rarely is it as clear as this year: this is, without question, is the best show on television. Sure, The Americans is entertaining and very good, and the final season of Mad Men was satisfying and rather complete in its nostalgia and storytelling. But The Knick does

Betsy was great, but her declaration, "we're put on this Earth to do a job. And each of us gets the time we get to do it. When this life is over, and you stand in front of the lord.." is even more foolish than Noreen's reduction of Camus's rather blighted view. I have a lot more to experience, but I've lived in

Great episodes—minus the UFO and the voiceover. Handlen's review does not show how the UFO fit at all…you can try and justify it thematically in an abstract sort of way, but it was glaring to me in its misplacement. And it definitely did serve to save a character, which made it even less meaningful (and it was

People still give Kurt Sutter money to make TV shows?? That's more depressing than I would've thought

hoping for any Bran and Hodor next season…

Well, seeing as how there's absolutely no one decent remaining at Castle Black (assuming Ser Davos leaves), here's hoping that the white walkers win the war and wipe out all those worthless crows.

it would be truly amazing if Dennis Hopper showed up…

just out of curiosity, what did you find so great about that last scene? I have to admit it didn't affect me almost at all. I thought it was kind of standard.

first Frank, now Jimmy/whoever…come on Shameless, you should be past these kind of decisions

I'm with you. This episode was pretty good, and at least way better than the majority of last season, which unbelievably received tons of inflated grades.

any scene in The Knick involving a mental hospital was always going to be terrifying, but the removal of Eleanor's teeth and the camera staying on her during their conversation was unbelievably haunting (and brilliantly shot)

fucking great.

Handlen's reviews and this comments section are pretty much the only reasons I still sit through this show…I guess it's kinda entertaining at times, but Kurt Sutter is just so predictable and, well, bad.

What an absolutely amazing episode. Beautiful, intelligent, patient show. Can't believe we have to wait another year for more.

So…Jason Street and Tim Riggins are lifelong best friends, we're told all along - except we suddenly learn this season that Riggins is somehow two years younger and two grades below?? They really pushed the limits of belief with the one year below in season 2, to force Riggins and Lyla back into Dillon HS for one

FNL High School World:
Freshman: 18-20 years old
Sophomores: 21-22 years old
Juniors: 23-24 years old
Seniors: 25 and up (no limit)

it was still a VBM. but otherwise entertaining episode.

15 round fight, aka 1500 round fight…great episode but man, the sense of time was out of whack