I’ve tried this trick before — doesn’t Apple usually take away the premium versions of older iPhone models after announcing the new ones, in order to drive customers to the new products?
I’ve tried this trick before — doesn’t Apple usually take away the premium versions of older iPhone models after announcing the new ones, in order to drive customers to the new products?
I think the really killer sentence in this whole mess is this one:
The continuity between the Star Trek books is much tighter now, though some novels continue to be planned as stand-alone stories not linked to the ongoing serial narratives that link many of the other books.
Any chance someone could be persuaded to add my Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Cold Equations, Book I: The Persistence of Memory on October 30? It's the first volume in a trilogy, with books two and three to follow on November 27 & December 26, respectively. (And look for some io9 writing staff shout-outs in…
So do I. For now it's just a spec project, but one can dream. :-)
I'm actually doing something very similar to this right now; I'm adapting my first original novel, THE CALLING, into a feature screenplay, which has room for only about a short novella's worth of content. It's a fascinating exercise in learning what parts of a core narrative work and which don't, and how to condense…
Who's "scruffy looking"?
Here's a curious note: I closed one eye and looked at the illustrations and the photo. When I blurred my vision just enough to soften my focus, the illusion disappeared, and I perceived the rows as parallel. Is it possible that the perception of the "mortar" is the key to this optical effect?
I would just like to add that while most of my work for Star Trek has been as an author of the licensed tie-in novels (for which I co-developed a literary-original series, Star Trek Vanguard), my professional association with Star Trek began as a TV writer. With my friend and former collaborator, John Ordover, I…