
I’m on board with the gushing doublespeak in his email, but can I just be that asshole calls out that he’s not necessarily apologizing for the sexual assault, which at least until three gossip blogs report it, can’t be assumed to be indisputable, science like fact?

move the needle! move the needle!

its about $20 last time I checked for an outlet converter, which will work for most plug in lights. Same goes for smart bulbs - I wired up most of my house for about $100 (i live in a nyc-sized place tho, so...)

as an echo owner I can say that it makes several common tasks _much_ easier. unit conversions, math, trivia, as well as lights, distances, and anything I would normally need my hands for while cooking or getting dressed.

fucking ‘Story Points’. Tell an engineer you want to talk about ‘story points’, that will get your ass kicked around here, man.

‘in the weeds’. Fuck man, I’d like to throw you in the weeds.

‘put some hair around it’ has got to be the worst thing anyone could suggest, ever.

oh god that one

had a design lead that compulsively used the word ‘unpack’ whenever we had something to discuss. As in ‘ok, let’s unpack this’ in place of ‘let’s talk about it’. It created a rage inside me that burns to this very day.

its no fun playing the dozens with alt-lit post grad poets.

So you’re just a terrible person. Hope that’s working out for you!

trolls are such wonderful little creatures. Is your antipathy for sincerity a medical condition, or just one of those douchey life choices, like going gluten free?


I get the whole “get a beater bike and see if biking is for you”. But if you can afford it, I say, spend the money on a bike that won’t need repair every other week. Shitty bikes break down, and when they do, you stop using them (unless you’re into bike repair).

I usually begin with an articulate ‘jesus christ you motherfucker’ and then proceed to imagine throwing them off a moving train.

context: I haven’t read the nytimes article, just this one.

sending thoughts and prayers

um, I mean, both genders use self deprecation relentlessly and to the same end? just sayin’

You had me at

It amazes me how much innate kindness/understanding/compassion/intelligence we grant people in the narrative of humanity.