
The gun charge will put him away for a decade. In the meantime, taxpayers will foot the bill for shuttling him back and forth to trials in California and New York. In the extra meantime, he will die of his maladies and or a prison fight.

you’re amazing

“Come on, buddy. Get a grip.”

the “point” of my umbrage is that if you are complaining about what I was given, or even complaining about how I feel about what I was given, you are spending too much time thinking about what you weren’t given and not nearly enough time thinking about how to help more children have the opportunity to have what I did,

I’ve yet to figure out how being upset about poverty has morphed into a hatred for those who are not.

are you sure? because this article seems to be about resources being distributed along racial lines.

just ditto to all of this.

I just want to understand, are we angry about the lack of support for underprivledged children, or angry about the fact that some children recieve it?


you. win.

[Edit] whoops, uh...

you forgot to mention that Activision can now claim its headquarters in Ireland, which will grant them near invulernability to taxation.

there’s a lot to like here, but so far:

I am 41 years old and haven’t owned a working gaming system in 10 years and I am buying a PS4 to play this game.

jalepano mac and cheese: $3.28

what will Han say?

fashion: gohomeyoudrunk

so, here’s the thing:

this is hiliarious and beautiful.

but they are fucking awful people by definition