
I wouldn't say this Harbaugh character is "insane", as much as he is just one weird little dude ... he's that weird little jittery guy you see at Walmart - you didn't want to go into a Walmart, but they were the only place open on a holiday and you were out of bread, milk and other staples with family unexpectedly

Who's the piece of fluff? She's okay too, I s'pose ...

In his defense, it apparently includes GMC's sport-amphibious package - that's gotta run a couple Gs ...

I've heard of thirteen of these guys.

Look like he owe angry Bertha a 'splanation ...

Manage the Jiffy Lube is prolly a stretch. Lead rack tech is more probable. And Bertha? She ain’t got no car needin’ no lube. She ridin’ the bus.

She clearly says Durant made OKC “irrelevant” at least twice, before I’d heard enough and shut it down. She stumbled across a big word that vaguely fit the discussion in some manner, and damned if she isn’t going to use it repeatedly here - correctly or incorrectly.


Just like trust-fund Donald J Trump, would this Ivanka be anything without Daddy’s start-up bucks and branding? And what is Ivanka gonna say when Melanka’s contract expires and Donald J Trump is back in the market looking for a newer eastern Euro unit?

This. And twice on meatless Catholic Fridays.

“Look at the sky. Look at the flags. Anything but the people running out on the field.”

Made it almost seventy seconds, before shutting it down.

Ahhhh ... hurt feelings, champ?

Don't think so, champ. Point is, even knowing who these guys are - in their primes - puts you in a "special" class ...

Perhaps the only thing more pathetic than these out-of-date “wrestlers” are the hangers-on who still recognize them and pass along their star-struck stories ...

The hair, the arm tats ... that’s quintessential soccer ("football", futbol, ... ).

Donald J. Trump eats live grenades for Cinco de Mayo ... he loves the Mexicans.


Not sure what to say ...