
We had to put our 15 year old dog to sleep a couple months ago. Suffice to say, it was one of the worst days of our life (as any dog owner can attest to). The idea of having Scooter frozen in a pose, lying on the fireplace mantel as a constant reminder that he's dead, would be beyond a living nightmare. Anyone that

Amazon's specs for the Fire indicate that it doesn't need a computer. So is it possible to upload content that you already own onto the device (and not have it reside in the Cloud)?

My question is the same regarding traveling by plane. Can you put your own content on the Fire (from your home computer), and play it back without being connected to the Cloud?

Amazon's website says that you don't need a computer to use the Fire. So does that mean you can't put your own content (from your computer) on the device?

I think I'm familiar with the American version of this app: Is my father gay? It featured a photo of Marcus Bachmann, with one question: Does your father look like this? If yes, then duh.

It's a pity that the husband has been serving in Iraq for the past year. Luckily, the husband and mailman both have the same eye and hair color.

Without the power laces, I'm not sure what's the point of making these shoes. That's the only reason people are interested in these shoes. You press a button and they light up? That's it? So all this commotion is because Nike imbedded LEDs in some sneakers? ...so disappointing.

The person I want to be is Joe Manganiello from True Blood, but I'd still be gay. How do I accomplish this goal?

I think that's the Bachmann's "You're all a bunch of sinful barbarians that need to be disciplined!" traveling motor coach.

I agree. I pull up Spotlight and type "CH", and Google Chrome pops to the top of the list. "FI" brings up Firefox. "PH" launches Photoshop. "SA" is Safari. It's all very intuitive and fast.

So she's the "Unifying Choice"? I'd like to see what the non-unifying choice is then. I suppose she's unifying as long as everyone in the country is conservative, white, heterosexual and Christian (and has no issues getting married to self-loathing closet-case men; while at the same time, rallying against gay

lol @ Defender90CA

Well... it certainly is more interesting than the usual Chinese text (that actually says "Kung Pao Chicken" instead of "In Harmony with the Universe") or the ever popular 5-pointed star that looks like $1 clip art.

I wish the seats didn't recline at all. There is such a small amount of space in front of you. The last thing you need is someway to make the space even smaller (for the person behind you). — When the airlines had meals on flights, it used to really piss me off when the person in front of me wouldn't even put their

I'm still waiting for someone to explain why any rational person would get on a plane when they are supposedly in labor. No one in their right mind would do that. So either Sarah Palin isn't mentally competent ((highly likely)), or she faked the entire pregnancy ((also highly likely)).

Is it just me, or is Paul McDonald (if that IS his real name) incredibly hot? No joke! I'd like to use special bodily movements to send him a personal message. Too subtle?

Won't play for me on my Mac using Safari or Firefox. I've got the latest version of Flash too. *sigh*