Milton Berle's Cock

I was just wondering where the turgid presence of Milton Berle’s Cock was. A story about guns just isn’t the same without it.

good thing the police caught them all both

You’re a nobody if you don’t have enemies. Keep up the good fight.

Looks like someone never got the memo that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I figured as much.. seen enough of your posts to know you’re not a dick. Thanks for the confirmation. :)

Yeah, that was weird. I wasn’t offended and I doubt most people were, most of the stuff he was saying was just really bizarre and kind of funny but obviously trolling. Someone was doing that for a while with other popular commenters (I’m pretty sure it was the same someone doing it to multiple people), but they were

It was deleted along with the original offending comment and so far deep in the greys that no one else saw it. I communicate with trolls entirely in gif form now. It confuses them.

I was worried that maybe you’d developed a brain tumor. I’m (relatively) happy to hear that it’s apparently just a hemorrhoid.

Don’t worry, Milty. I know he isn’t you. In fact, I know exactly who he is. His Kinja account uses his real name. Not the brightest bulb in the box.

No Canadian could ever survive a night in Philadelphia. Robot or otherwise.