Of course it isn’t, Rafi can’t even get the Roger Stone news correct. Stone is under indictment for lying, not for coordinating Wikileaks’ release of stolen emails. The fake news about Mueller in the liberal press is so hilarious.
Of course it isn’t, Rafi can’t even get the Roger Stone news correct. Stone is under indictment for lying, not for coordinating Wikileaks’ release of stolen emails. The fake news about Mueller in the liberal press is so hilarious.
Yeah, but what’s worse? Crying dolls? Or car nuts? (I vote car nuts).
What a TERRIBLE story.
He tried to set up whites specificly to take the fall. He’s a racist. Period. Why is it any white that does the same to a black person is a racist in your mind but a black can’t be? That’s racist also.
I won’t list the crazy white people with guns the police have killed, but you are wrong. Point a gun at a cop, you are committing suicide, period. Doesn’t matter if you’re white black or any other person.
Take all the Cadillac cars, re-brand them as Buicks, drop them from Cadillac and lower the prices. Simple.
Liberals created a New York nobody can afford to live in, not amazon.
Public defenders should be given every penny as much as the Prosecutor spends in prosecution of a defendant.
Why isn’t Hillary in jail?
And Michael Brown put his hands up and was giving up. That’s what all the media reported, right?
You need to switch to full synthetic oil. Most of your problems are oil related.
You’re going to compare your $60k model 3 to a sub $35k volt? LOL
Don’t forget, since we want to use “renewables” to re-build our buildings that means chopping down every tree to do it?
If you use up your last bit of gas to heat your car it takes 7 minutes to fill it back up. Can’t do that if you use the last big of power in your electric car to heat the interior. EVs won’t replace gas cars until they can do what gas cars can. Nobody switched to electric light bulbs because they had to change their…
Electric cars have battery heaters that sap the power out of an unplugged car parked in the cold. If you leave your car parked out in the cold long enough without plugging it in, you can run the battery down far enough the car won’t move. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.
CO2 is plant food.
There is no magic. Batteries in Norway work exactly like they do everywhere else.
You mean like taking over 1/6th of the US economy? Oh wait, it was Obama and the Democrats that did that. LOL
To bad the entire idea is based on lies.
Lots of closing Indian dealerships. One of the first and most beautiful ones in Michigan closed. Polaris is a terrible company that treats it’s dealers horribly. Just ask any former Victory dealership.