
Polaris will dump Indian the minute they stop getting double digit growth, just like they dumped watercraft and victory when they stopped big growth. When a new CEO dumps a brand because he didn’t create it, it’s a bad idea to buy that brand’s product.

Good idea to stick with brands that have manufacturers that aren’t flakes. Polaris is all about the money, as soon as Indian stops it’s double digit growth, they will can it just like they did the Boats, and Victory. Polaris isn’t a company that shows loyalty to it’s customer base. It’s loyalty is to profit increase,

You do realize the exact same factory Tesla is using built 4 times as many vehicles with that many workers, right? They really have done a horrible job at building a manufacturing line, why do you think every great hire they have made have left? Who’s hiring a president in charge of production from Tesla when they

And a Tesla is built out of minerals billions of years old. What’s your point?

I guess a fancy stereo and farting door alarms is what passes for “luxury” in Teslaland.

Those laws protect the consumer. All you have to do is read the horror stories people have with Tesla to know competition helps, and being able to go to a different Chevy dealership when one stinks improves all chevy dealerships. With Tesla, all people get is months of run arounds while Elon laughs at his complete

It’s hard to understand how the FTC hasn’t fined the carp out of Tesla for the obvious bate and switch is did on people ordering the 35k version. It’s outright false advertising.

Now that your state allows women to murder babies after birth, maybe you can just build gigantic abortion clinics? I hear Gosnel is more than happy to help you, from his prison cell.

The “pushback” is any jackwad like you that wants to tell other people how much money they can have are as big a jackwad as Bezos is. So why do I hand something over to you that you didn’t work a god damn second for?

How many of your phone cameras have ever gone bad?

What bugs me is the plastic interior. You can’t get a nice interior on any GM product except the Buicks today. Toyota, VW, GM, Ford, what’s up with these companies that won’t spend money on the thing you see the most, the interior?

15 years of failed Man Made Catastrophic Global Warming. Sorry, we are not going to blow up the world in less than 1000 years. If you think our technology won’t naturally get better over the next 100 years, or 200 years and make this a non-problem you are an insane person that just wants to control others with your

Cadillac is just GM for suckers. You buy their 2009 $100,000 halo car, and in less than 10 years you can’t get simple parts for it. If you break a headlight or tail light on it, the insurance company will TOTAL your former $100,000 Cadillac Halo car. On the other hand, Mercedes stocks parts for 50 year old cars.

I hear you guys think Mexico isn’t an s-hole place. And your money will go a long way there! Bonvoyage!

Why would they walk away from a cultural display? That’s what most of them thought was happening. There’s plenty of quotes and information from those in the group. Including some who asked the chaperones if they could clap along.

You obviously have never read “theroot” here..

So you’re against BLM since they march down streets screaming “kill the pigs” and such? Good to know.

Technicaly they didn’t find abortion legal, you still can’t do it beyond some arbitrary time SCOTUS made up. This ruling is going to get thrown out, even the super left RBG realizes the basis for that ruling is completely flawed and doomed.

So we should treat the 5 year old children that just wanted to be with mom at the pro-abortion protests as adults? LOL

Walk away from were they were meeting their bus? LOL “Hey guys, let’s just walk away from our bus stop and walk back to Kentucky!”