
Please learn the difference between “recovery” and “Growth”.

You weren’t around for all the 70's “green” stuff, that’s since gone away, where you? That’s what will happen again..

They know it’s a dead end once the government stops funding them.

Modern day Tucker..

Sell that model 3 while it has some value. Mark my words. Once Tesla goes under next year your car will instantly lose half it’s value. Oh, BTW, hope you don’t use those superchargers, because when Tesla goes under, they are toast too.

Once it’s car’s prices go up $4k as they lose more and more government money, orders will start to dry up. That’s when Wall Street will kill the stock value, then nobody will lend them money, and it will be all over by the end of 2019 or mid 2020.

You can thank that idiot they brought in that couldn’t speak americanees. He was a moron that couldn’t read the US buying trends, and instead wanted to make the US Europe again.

If the government had held on to it’s GM stake, it would have been completely paid off. But the government is dumb and didn’t do that.

Time marches on. Manufacturers used to need 10 times as many people to put a car together, and 5 times the space. You can’t get upset about things getting better. Some new thing will come along and make new jobs. People always worry about that not happening, but it never does.

Guess you didn’t read the article, this plant gave a lot of city people jobs.

Dagnabbit! We need to bring back the Buggy factories! They where all the rage what with them “horses” and everything pulling them! Who needs to look toward the future! Idiot millennials..

It really does come down to hills. If you live in flatland, you probably won’t have a problem. But even the smallest of inclines once snowy can become impassable for quite a few cars or trucks with “all season” tires. Once in a while I’ll forget about some hill on the way home during a snowstorm, and regret it when I

In my life I’ve seen plenty of Mustangs on the road with 3 to 12 inches of snow, getting stuck. So yes, there are plenty of people screwing the roads up with their stuck cars, before and now.

Some tire store chains will store your tires for you for a couple bucks a month.

It’s not the tread, it’s the rubber compound. Winter tires are still better than AS tires even at 50%.

Winter tires should last you 40 to 50 thousand miles. Do you drive 25 thousand miles in the winter? And they are still better at 50% than any all season.

Your life isn’t worth $1500? Good to know. LOL

Obviously you live in some flat state like most of northern Ohio of Indiana.

Speed doesn’t kill any more than guns do. It’s humans that are the problem. Also, we are probably talking about mountain roads, that were never engineered for those speeds, and probably don’t have lower speed limits around curves that can’t handle them. That, again, is a human problem, where the government didn’t put

Just don’t get in a wreck with a Nano. Deathtrap. It’s best competitor would be any used 2000 model year car made in the USA.