
This isn’t a BMW we are talking about. What he should have done was buy cheap no-name summer tires and some nice Continental winter only tires. With the suspension in his car he will hardly notice a better ride with more expensive tires, but he will notice the traction in the winter.

The US has very protective laws that do protect workers. The problem is the government doesn’t enforce them. Big companies like Amazon and Alphabet should be broken up.

Michigan went “right to work”.

33 million illegals lower wages.

Drones fly like 35mph max. Who knew drift cars are only going about 30mph..

The only problem I saw with this pursuit was the speed by the school getting out. He should be fired for that. There was no excuse for that.
A line of cars that if he had lost control or hit would have killed more than a couple people. And another line of cars he couldn’t see a child if he had run out from between

Everyone forgets the first Cloverfield movie really wasn’t Cloverfield, it was “Super 8".

Climate Change is real.

That’s not what the raw data shows. Sorry.

Modern medical science uses leeches. You need to get with the times.

GM keeps saying it, and nobody listens. The only way to have safe autonomous cars is to have LIDAR on them. If you look at the picture above, you see they have $160k worth of them. Not a very economical sensor though. GM hopes they might get down to $20k in 5 years, still to expensive except on $100k, plus cars.

Pretty sure he pointed out it’s changing. Just not the way you say it is.

There has been no global warming for 15 years now.

Actually, what most people don’t understand is those in the federal government that control the money have no responsibility to you at all.

So your theory is the Democrats didn’t just take back the house because people didn’t like the Republicans threatening to kill Obamacare?

You obviously haven’t seen any of the videos showing how ignorant most college goers are.

If you want the best, you should figure out how to work to get it. Otherwise you should be happy for what  you’re given.

When the US federal government is the single biggest re-distributor of wealth on the entire planet earth, taking money from some, and handing it to others, they are most assuredly socialist.

Owning stock is not the same as having dollars in a bank. You are confused what the “wealth gap” is.

LOL, HALF the people in the USA pay NO federal income tax.